Life, theology, tears, joys.

September 11, 2007


I'm sick.

Until last night at about 10 when I finally went to sleep, I had been up for I think about 36 hours. I had a pretty severe alergic reaction to something on thursday night, and on monday we went to the doc. She put me on some steroids to get the reaction to stop. I don't do well with steroids never have, (this has happened before - the hives) they make me quit sleeping. I'm tired.

Dad just got a Co cell number! It's kind'a cool.

Well, seeing that I have been mostly in bed for the past five days, I don't really have any other news, except that I have some really great book recomendations for ya'll... next time!


September 6, 2007

News, News and More News

1 Dad has a job!!!! His new company is Corrigo. If you want to know what they do, please go here.
2 Contrary to what seems to be common belief right now, we are not leaving in the blink of an eye, so please stop worrying that we are... the house must sell first
3 Please pray that a particular couple somehow get their finances in order some time soon. If they do, they will buy the house.
4 Don't panic, it doesn't look like that will happen, but we are praying.

I'll get more up here soon, but I have a bunch of stuff to get done.