Life, theology, tears, joys.

June 27, 2008

Obama's [Shocking] Religious Views

I have been concerned about Obama - very concerned. I have also been particularly concerned about the conservative grass-roots and just how enlivened they may get, or more precisely, how enlivened McCain can get them. At this time, though, I am praising God that Obama is the Democratic candidate - he is the ultimate way that I see to get the conservative grass-roots very pumped and ready to vote.

That said, these short videos from [Focus on the Family] CitizenLink's "Turn Signal" news reports will make you want to go vote in November, and get the word out as much as possible until then.

To see other Turn Signal programs, as well as CitizenLink's other online video program, Stoplight, go here - they are great, I highly recomend all of them.

June 21, 2008

More details

The following is an email sent out by Mom this afternoon. I've edited some of the personal info out and replaced it with brackets...

[start email]

Hello Everyone!

We are so excited and surprised after all this time on the market (1 year and 7 months), we were planning to take the house off the market sometime soon! God had other plans for us...

He sold the house! Closing is set for [very early August], but it might be sooner.

The buyer's house must sell but is set to close [this week].

House inspection is set for [this week, the day after the buyer's house closes].

After those things, we don't think there are any "holes" so to speak.

We are planning to move to [Colorado]. [Dad] and [Mom] need to go there and buy a house!

We are going to be on a wonderful God-gifted vacation in the middle of this time of moving preparation in July!

Packing and moving ourselves completely is planned with John driving rental trucks a few times back and forth. We were advised not to do too much inside until after the home inspection is complete [this coming week]. Today our huge swing set is being disassembled by [Dad] and the kids.

We appreciate all your prayers for the many details that need to be taken care of!

Thank you all so much!

In His Grace,
[Dad], [Mom], [], [Buddy], [Birdie]

[end email]

I would like to add this verse as a close.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,
declares the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Isaiah 55:8-9

SOLD!! More updates on the way...

Life just took a quantum leap in the past three days or so. Short story is that the house is esentailly sold, with a few minor contingencies. We will need to be out by late July/very early August.

For now, that's all the details I can provide... please pray that all the many details come together. We havce a lot of time constraint because of some outside circumstances not related with the house, so details must be micro-engineered in advance, which basically means in the next two or three days.

Also pray for everyone's energy levels, we're still sick and this is a huge stress both emotionally and physically.

Mom is working on a letter to send out via email (inbetween realtors, planning etc.) that I will probably post when it's done.

We are praising God for finaly giving us this go-ahead, and are relying on Him for the literal strength to complete this.

For those living around here, we will miss you all, and for those living else where, we still do, and we keep all of you in our prayers.