Life, theology, tears, joys.

February 29, 2008

Quick... Before the Lion Comes!

As they say, March comes in like a lion, so I'm quickly getting a post on here before it comes. I know it's crazy that's it's taken me two months to post anything, but oh well...

Hm, first, did I ever mention that I actually recieved my Drivers License? Well, if I didn't, I am now fully licensed and am enjoying it.

I've had quite a bit of excitement over the past week, much of it good. On thursday of last week (the 21st) I got the oppertunity (organized by Generation Joshua) to go into D.C. and lobby at the Congressional Office Buildings! It was so neat! Then, on Wednesday, Gen-J asked me to write an article about it for the monthly newsletter, which, in the end, needed to be done by 10am on friday (today)! I got it done late last night, and I'm really happy with it :-). I'm going to see if I will be allowed to post that article anywhere else. If I can I'll probably post it on Thoughts of Aspiring Future Statesmen (

Unfourtunately, though, the day in D.C. has really put me out of things. on the day after we went down, I had a migrane, little parts of which have sort of hung on, coming and going as they will. I've been really tired, and my brain was kinda fried until tuesday. Please pray that this passes.

Also, you can pray that some new, um, what are they, suplements I guess, that we're going to try (as soon as they arrive) will work. We've given up on prescription meds right now, and these new things are hopfully going to help.

Those of you here in VA who are STILL praying that we won't leave, don't panic, my hopes are not terribly high after 15 months, but we did have a good showing last week that sounded promising. Even if it's against you inner desires, please pray that we can get out of here, having the house on the market 15 months is really pushing it, don't you think? ;-)

I'm taking an American Government class with three other girls this sememster. It's been good, although a lot of work! I'm learning a lot, and enjoying it becuase of it's connections with politics.

Speaking of American Government, that's really the reason I'm online, so I'd best get to it. Have a good last day of February!