Life, theology, tears, joys.

November 30, 2008

First Significant Snow in CO!!

Hurray!! I'm so happy, we are getting a bunch of snow today! According to Buddy we have 9 inches, as of an hour ago, and it's continued to snow steadily since! It is SO pretty. The fog and snow won't let us see the mountains, or really very far at all, so it's like we are in a little snow globe that we can't see out of. It was snowing on and off yesterday, and it snowed some Friday, and Thanksgiving, but those were just showers, with no more than a half an inch, but this is FUN! We've been celebrating Lightsmas by decorating the house for Christmas, and this makes it feel so much more "Christmasy"!

Unfortunately, Dad has to travel, so pray he can get out of the driveway, and out to the airport!

November 25, 2008

Pray! (Year of the Bible Project)

Over the last year, I have been involved to different degrees in The National Year of the Bible Project. Earlier in the year, before we moved, Dad and I lobbied on Capitol Hill (a lot of fun, and seemingly productive). Now, of course, I'm involved via long distance calls and email.

Here's the point, though. The project is doing it's best to put together a calling blitz into the Congressional Offices, to begin in the next week or so. I think it will work very well, and that we have a good chance of putting a lot of influence into the hopper.

Unfortunately, the National Coordinator of the Year of the Bible Project, who is in D.C. right now, and is arranging this whole blitz, is having significant computer troubles. Actually, it has crashed (by my count) about 7-8 times over yesterday and this morning.

So here's the deal: we need prayer, and we need it now! There's a lot of great things going for us right now, but not a whole lot can be done with the computers up and running. A lot of contacts have to be made over the next day-and-a-half, and many of them require a least some amount of computer work... so please pray for the contacts themselves, and also pray that the problems with the computer can be figured out, asap.

November 23, 2008

Homeland Security Alert

I wanted to quickly explain a new "gadget" of sorts I just added to the sidebar. The "Homeland Security Live Terror Alert" is something I saw on another site and liked. Here's why. People seem to be forgeting at least the implications of 9/11, as well as the fact that we are a nation at war, and it is not an aggressive war... we are on the defense... they attacked us first!!!

So, I hope that the little reminder of the hightened security level we are at will also remind everyone who and why we are fighting, or for some, that we are fighting at all.

In the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday:
God bless the troops, God bless America, and may we follow God always.

November 14, 2008

FF: Thanksgiving!... Christmas!... Lightsmas... Tossmas?

Thanksgiving is coming, and we are all looking forward to it.

After that, the exact day after, actually, starts a family tradition that is very longstanding. This year it got a new name, though, "lightsmas". It is the day we all celebrate decorating for Christmas, and of course, putting up the absolutely necessary lights (Buddy's pride, joy and passion).

Then comes Christmas, we're looking forward to that too.

But there is one holiday that we are enjoying already, have been since late October, and will be until late December...


This holiday was made up by Stuart Shepard on his video feature, Stoplight, in early November, 2007. It was presented in this Stoplight:

&abouttext=Focus Action's CitizenLink&aboutlink= allowfullscreen=true allowscriptaccess=always>

I was hoping that they would do something concerning Tossmas this year, or at least move last year's up to the top of the list. I am very happy to say that they made another one this year:

Now, this is all well and good, and the video's are quite funny, and it makes a good point, but why is this a Federal Friday post? Because, it is time we spoke out and quit letting ourselves be marginalized when we are indeed the majority - something that the republican party needed to learn a few years ago, by the way. It is our holiday... Christmas. It is Christmas that makes all the stores their money, and we need to remind them of that.

Pure and simple, political correctivism has gone too far, and we ought to put some pressure on people to stop it. The AFA has also started a Christmas campaign, and we have ordered some of their stuff, it's great.

In other words, get out, say "Merry Christmas" to every store clerk you talk to, even if they say "happy holidays" or whatever, become a passionate participant in Tossmas, and recognize the importance of this issue.

(Happy Thanksgiving, and Merry Christmas early)

November 12, 2008

Prayer: Guidence for Short Story

I recently wrote a short story (about 2,000 words), that I really like, called The Storm of the Soul. In many ways it encompasses many of the things I have learned over my years of struggling with health issues. It is a good story. I think it will appeal to many different people in many different situations. I believe it will glorify God. It's main character is a man, which I find easier to write, so I was more comfortable writing the character, and I hope that made him more understandable.

With all of these things I like about it, I am seriously looking into the best way to publish it... or I was. Then, I found out about a short story contest that this story will probably do well in. The contest requires that the story not be published. So, I'm waiting until after the contest, hoping that perhaps I can win and get a little extra capital to start this venture with.

I really think that I ought to do something with the story, publishing it or somehow getting it available to people, and it would be nice to have a small source of income from it as well.

All that said, I would really appreciate prayer on what I should do with this story, and also that I can win the contest.

November 11, 2008

Thank you to our Veterans

I can say it little better than President Bush:

"Today, we send a clear message to all who have worn the uniform: Thank you for your courage, thank you for your sacrifice, and thank you for standing up when your nation needed you most." President George W. Bush, today

November 10, 2008

Obama: Proof that Reaganism is Alive

With all the "centrists" working to bring the Republican party away from the Conservative values enshrined by President Ronald Reagan, it is easy to start believing that Reaganism is dead.

Want solid proof that it isn't?

Of course you do...

Here it is.... the long awaited proof....

Barack Obama.


He used Reagan's (i.e. the Conservative) platform.

Don't believe it? Here's a very well thought out article written by Scott Rasmussen, arguing (in my opinion empirically) that Reaganism Is Not Dead. Read the article, and then tell me that we need to appeal to the liberal "centrists".

November 8, 2008

Federal Friday: The New Reagan Revolution

There is a lot of speculation as to what Obama will do, when he will do it, etc. There is also some speculation, particularly amongst evangelicals, quiet as it may be, concerning whether Obama's presidency will have any ties to the end-times prophesies found in Daniel, Matthew and Revelation.

I will deal with the latter first. Allow me to ask a question. Supposing, somehow, we were able to say absolutely and without any doubt that Obama is the antichrist (I am NOT suggesting this, please simply follow for a moment). How would we react? Would we not still fight those policies we disagree with that he presents and supports? Would we not still do all in our power to support those things that we believe must be supported? So, in fact, it really doesn't matter if he is, isn't, is going to be, et cetera the antichrist? Therefore, isn't it simply a distraction from more important issues, a distraction that we needn't deal with?

The end times are a very interesting and worthy study. However, trying to fit current events into them beyond simple speculation and curiosity seems to me to be a loss of the point.

Now, as to what, when and how Obama will do what he does. Yes, there are many fights ahead of us. There are many things to be dealt with. Yes, strategies are good things, and yes, we must be prepared to deal with them. However, we simply must not go overboard in trying to win every single battle before those battles are even begun. Here's something to chew on: Obama can't do everything at once either, and we will match his pace.

I, obviously, love politics, and I think them terribly important. I do think that many of the values I hold dear are at stake. Only a few years ago, I would have been truly concerned, somewhat frantic, and planning to build a bomb shelter in the basement until my parents talked me out of it, if this situation had happened then. However, I must say that I am not really all that frantic or overwrought. Concerned, yes. Ready to fight, yes. But, I think we simply must take measured steps. This DOES NOT mean standing down. I actually think that it means fighting even BETTER.

Here is what I am suggesting. Deal with the NOW. Simple as that. Once inaugurated, Obama has promised that one of the first things he will do is repeal DOMA (the Defence Of Marriage Act). Let's deal with that battle when it comes. If he next tries to pull out of Iraq, let's deal with that when it comes. When he tries to allow all abortion, all the time, for any reason, we will deal with that when it comes. Let's truly deal with it, but let's not overstep ourselves.

Here's a great way to accomplish this. Michael Reagan, Ronald Reagan's son, has launched a new website, It is not yet fully functional, but it is supposed to be sometime next week. I would suggest that you read what he has to say.

What he is trying to accomplish through the site is to spread a daily action piece, usually taking only a few minutes, to inundate Congress and the White House with calls, faxes, emails etc, telling them what we think, and turning us, the "masses", all into political activists. I see this as an excellent way to deal with each battle as it comes, and REALLY deal with it.

Now, of course, I don't know how the site will work precisely, but the idea is what I like. This is how we all can and must deal with the next four years. We mustn't get weary, we mustn't lose our fighting spirit (if you don't have one just now, go read the page that's up on Reagan Action) and we must start the New Reagan Revolution!

November 6, 2008

Scorpion 5

Our family has "adopted" any number (over 50) college students in the past. Many of them have become older brothers and sisters to Birdie, Buddy and myself. Of course, as most students do, they end up graduating and leaving us (or we leave them as we traipse across the fruited plain), but we still keep in touch with most. As it happens, one of them, Daniel Noa, is very interested in the business of movie making, and has made some excellent films in the past.

His most recent release was Smuggler's Ransom, an excellent Cold War film that includes a suspenseful story line and a strong salvation message. Click to see the Smuggler's Ransom Trailer.

More recently, though, Daniel has been working on another film, Scorpion 5. The trailer, found at the aforementioned link, is very good at suggesting the suspense of the movie. Regarding the movie itself, having read a script of it, I will say that this is not the movie you are led to expect early in the film. I was thoroughly surprised by the ending, as I think most will be. All I can say is that it is a great story, and that you should watch it.

In short, go watch the trailer, get your curiosity thoroughly aroused, and check back for more on its release and whatnot.

And no, I'm not sending you the script... you'll just have to wait! *evil laugh*