Life, theology, tears, joys.

December 14, 2007

Federal Fridays - Congressional Christmas Capers

While here in Illinois site seeing, visiting friends and hearing more "happy holidays" than I can count, congress has been discussing the great Christmas debate. Gary Bauer discussed the topic a good deal, mentioning in on the 12th and the 13th.

funny that this needs to be discussed at all, and I find it hitting me just a little bit the wrong way that the congress is "doing" (voting on etc.) something about this topic. anyhow, enjoy, grimace, and laugh for lack of anything else to do:

To: Friends and Supporters

From: Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Congress Says “Merry Christmas”

Yesterday, the House of Representatives voted 372-to-9 in support of a resolution recognizing the importance of Christmas and the Christian faith in the founding of the United States and formation of Western Civilization. The resolution was sponsored by Rep. Steve King of Iowa, a great conservative champion. (This political action committee played a key role in helping Steve King win his primary election in 2002. Just one more way we are helping to defend your values!)

Earlier this year, the House passed measures honoring Ramadan and Diwali, a Hindu holiday. But Rep. King noted, “Watching Congress honor Islam during Ramadan, and also Diwali … brought it home to me that we were doing that and not honoring Christianity. …This nation has about 225 million Christians out of 300 million… And the foundations of this nation are a Christian foundation [and] our founders were Christian. So for us to move forward towards Christmas without honoring Christ is, I think a great omission, especially if we’re going to honor other religions.”

By the way, all nine “No” votes were Democrats, and eight of the nine voted in support of the Ramadan resolution.

Thursday, December 13, 2007
Our staff regularly monitors the websites of the radical Left – just to know what the opposition is up to. This morning we were stunned to find a post on the site of a homosexual blogger (who has been on a crusade to “out” Republican members of Congress) that reads, “It’s official!!!! Democrats are a bunch of [expletive] wimps.”

His ever-so-tolerant post provided a link to a roll call vote taken in the House of Representatives this week. What could lead a homosexual activist to level such invective at the Democrats? Needless to say, we were very curious. Had the party of Hillary, Pelosi and Kennedy suddenly reversed course and passed the marriage protection amendment or banned homosexual adoptions? What earth-shattering news had we missed? Are you ready for this?

As I reported yesterday, the House overwhelmingly voted in support of a resolution recognizing the importance of Christmas and the Christian faith in the founding of the United States and formation of Western Civilization. Amazingly, the rage of this militant homosexual activist was focused on the fact that only nine Democrats voted against the resolution recognizing Christmas and Christianity.

Please feel free to pass on this "End of Day" update to interested friends
and family members.

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2800 Shirlington Road
Suite 930
Arlington, VA 22206
Fax: 703-671-8899

December 12, 2007

Another Fun[ny] Christmas Song - (Jingle Bells)

For those who are familiar with the particulars of the campaign for Mr. A, this I consider the best theme song for the 'ratle-trap' (heather's gray volvo)that could be found!!

For the rest of you, it's funny anyhow.... to the tune of Jingle Bells....

Title: Rusty Chevrolet

Artist: Da Yoopers







December 5, 2007

Another Fun[ny] Christmas Song (12 Days of Christmas)

Mom and I were practically rolling around the floor when we heard this one, but I must say that it loses some of it's humor without the indian accent and re-mixed music... but hope you enjoy it! (I've not heard the rest of the cd, and there's evidently a YouTube video with this song if you're interested)

12 Days of Christmas for the Brown Folk

by Boymongoose

On the first day of Christmas,
my true love gave to me
A totally insufficient dowry

On the second day of Christmas,
my true love gave to me
Two nosy in-laws
And a totally insufficient dowry
On the third day of Christmas,
my true love gave to me
Three butter chickens
Two nosy in-laws
And a totally insufficient dowry

On the fourth day of Christmas,
my true love gave to me
Four Hari Krishnas..... (Is that Indian)
Three butter chickens
Two nosy in-laws
And a totally insufficient dowry

On the fifth day of Christmas,
my true love gave to me
Five Indian games..... (I want to be the cowboy)
Four Hari Krishnas
Three butter chickens
Two nosy in-laws
And a totally insufficient dowry

On the sixth day of Christmas,
my true love gave to me
Six IT graduates
Five Indian games
Four Hari Krishnas
Three butter chickens
Two nosy in-laws
And a totally insufficient dowry

On the seventh day of Christmas,
my true love gave to me
Seven-11 workers
Six IT graduates
Five Indian games
Four Hari Krishnas
Three butter chickens
Two nosy in-laws
And a totally insufficient dowry

On the eighth day of Christmas,
my true love gave to me
Eight Bollywood films
Seven-11 workers
Six IT graduates
Five Indian games
Four Hari Krishnas
Three butter chickens
Two nosy in-laws
And a totally insufficient dowry

On the ninth day of Christmas,
my true love gave to me
Nine telemarketers..... (Good Evenin.. This is Kaalin jones. Are you waanting greater kaalrits)
Eight Bollywood films
Seven-11 workers
Six IT graduates
Five Indian games
Four Hari Krishnas
Three butter chickens
Two nosy in-laws
And a totally insufficient dowry

On the tenth day of Christmas,
my true love gave to me
Ten-minute yoga..... (Think the lotus, feel the lotus, drive the lotus)
Nine telemarketers
Eight Bollywood films
Seven-11 workers
Six IT graduates
Five Indian games
Four Hari Krishnas
Three butter chickens
Two nosy in-laws
And a totally insufficient dowry

On the eleventh day of Christmas,
my true love gave to me
Eleven syllable name..... (PEESARAVANMUTHUDBLEEKVAAS)
Ten-minute yoga
Nine telemarketers
Eight Bollywood films
Seven-11 workers
Six IT graduates
Five Indian games
Four Hari Krishnas
Three butter chickens
Two nosy in-laws
And a totally insufficient dowry

On the twelfth day of Christmas,
my true love gave to me...
Twelve cricket ball tamperers..... (I was simply correcting the stitching)
Eleven syllable name
Ten-minute yoga
Nine telemarketers
Eight Bollywood films
Seven-11 workers
Six IT graduates
Five minutes of fame
Four Hari Krishnas
Three butter chickens
Two nosy in-laws
And a totally insufficient dowry

December 3, 2007

a quick apology to C.A.

It seems that I've inadvertantly been calling C.A. A.C., sooo sorry! I think I've fixed them all.

Drivers-Ed Glee/The Dumbing Down of America

at this rate, I'll have all the "classroom" time done by tomorow night!! YEAH!! Since we're leaving for Illinois at the end of the week, and I'm going to be doing a lot of the driving, I'm trying to get it done in the hopes of relieving some of Mom's worries about my driving. We're hoping that the curriculem helps some... not that I'm all that bad, just don't like changing lanes and merging, and I don't act overly well under the sort of pressure one gets on the road. I think my real problem is that I don't multi-task very well, not a good starting point for driving, is it?

Ok, so besides the fact that I'm trying to finish the thing, is that the curriculem is so DUMB! the questions are either idiot proof to an idiotic point, or they are on useless information (my favorite was a question regarding a study basdically looking at how much dumber sixteen-year-old drivers became from 1975-99, it wanted to knowif it was 20%, 36%, 70% or 84% or something like that).

first of all, I'm not so dumb as to need the answers handed to me like so many are. Second of all, I think that the people who wrote the stuff must be dumb themselves: they wrote questions on information I can't possibly use, want to know, etc. \

anyhow, need to get back to reading the material :-P

December 2, 2007

Christmas Music - Very Fun[ny]

I love Christmas in general. I like the decorating (especially my town setup), I really enjoy the family time, and I'll freely say that I like the gift giving and recieving. And, as is to be expected, I really love Christmas music! The traditional carols, (my fav being "I heard the bells on Christmas Day" and "God rest ye merry gentlemen"), the old-time favorites (like "White Christmas", "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow", and my fav, "Sleigh Ride") etc are all part of Christmas for me.

Here's something I started to discover over the past one or two years... there are HILARIOUS original, spoof and just generally goofy songs for Christmas!!

Here's a semi-classic: the version I've heard was voiced by a Gala something-or-other, the kid really has a nice voice, but it's sorta nasalish, which realy fits the song well. Enjoy!

Words and Music by John Rox
I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
Only a hippopotamus will do
Don't want a doll, no dinky Tinker Toy
I want a hippopotamus to play with and enjoy

I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
I don't think Santa Claus will mind, do you?
He won't have to use our dirty chimney flue
Just bring him through the front door,
that's the easy thing to do

I can see me now on Christmas morning,
creeping down the stairs
Oh what joy and what surprise
when I open up my eyes
to see a hippo hero standing there

I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
Only a hippopotamus will do
No crocodiles, no rhinoceroses
I only like hippopotamuses
And hippopotamuses like me too

Mom says the hippo would eat me up, but then
Teacher says a hippo is a vegeterian.
(Short Music Interlude)
There's lots of room for him in our two-car garage
I'd feed him there and wash him there and give him his massage

I can see me now on Christmas morning,
creeping down the stairs
Oh what joy and what surprise
when I open up my eyes
to see a hippo hero standing there

I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
Only a hippopotamus will do
No crocodiles or rhinoceroseses
I only like hippopotamuseses
And hippopotamuses like me too!

December 1, 2007

past present and future news (for December)

Well, seeing that the last thing I posted was about the campaign, I will tell you a bit more about it.

I had a blast. It was local politics, which meant that people willing to work it were few and far between. Because of this, I was able to get hands on experience at things I'd have never been able to do working with a larger campaign or Gen-J. I did lit (liturature - the stuf that we hand out and clutter up your doorstep with) anyways, lit sorting (counting out stacks of fifty, puting a certain number of those stacks in boxes with corolating walk lists), envelope stuffing (ok, so I did that when I was four, but that doesn't count), data entry from the completed walk lists, and of course, walking... and walking... and then ringing a doorbell that probably won't be answered anyway... and walking.... and walking... and losing C.A. and Funkysocks at the same time.... and finding them... and then I went out just me and another in a car to do blanket drops, that was very fun... blanket drops are just always more fun, what can I say? (especially when you get to continually hang at least 40% of your body-wieght out the window in order to reach the thing you're hanging the "newspaper" on, while blasting music and getting into such HIK areas that you're not sure you won't get shot at if you don't turn tail awfully quick!)

Our campaign manager was GREAT. He's really interested in his work, has some quite creative ideas that I really like, and a good sense of humor. I should say a great sense of humor... anyone who can stand constantly hanging out with a bunch of older teens and college kids who consistently blame anything that goes wrong on him, well, he's got to have quite the sense of humor. (you, manager, DID and I mean DID bring lunch an hour late for all of us after the parade, and and hour and a half late on election day, when you had given me probably the worst poll in the area, I mean really, who wants to sit in _____ all day?????)

unfourtunately, Mr. A. lost. It was sort of depressing, but that's how things go I guess.

after the election ended, I started making up for lost school-work. I got my essay's done for the First Freedom contest (it's quite good, I'm happy with it, but don't think it will win anything) and for the HSLDA contest as well (that one I have better hopes for).

now, the Christmas decorations are up, christmas music is playing, I am, though not sole owner of, keeper of dad's ipod 'cause now his phone stores a lot of music, so he won't be taking it with him when he travels :-).

We are taking a trip to Illinois this month!! I'm very excited. we'll be seeing a lot of people, and seeing some of the sites as well.

well, that's about it, oh, except that I'm still working on my driver's ed. it's sickening that I'm still working on it, but the trip will help me finish of the hours I need, and hopefully I'll nearly finish the class room "time" this week, or at least, I hope, b4 Christmas.


October 23, 2007

a post about nothing

I'm really just writing this as something to do while I wait for mom to take me a couple towns west to go campaigning with C.A. and GlassesAndGrass for C.A.'s dad. I was worried we might be rained out, but now it's coming tonight instead, :-).

October 20, 2007

true romance (according to buddy)

This was great.

First, though, you need to know the movie he was referencing. Blues Brothers (a truly funny comedy) came out in the 80's. It was originally R rated (for language I think), would probably fit PG-13 rating today, but we have the "edited for TV" version, and we really like it.

Blues Brothers is basically a really long chase, actually, make that four chases. all for the same two guys (the Blues Brothers - Jake and Elwood). One is by the cops, one is led by a group of country Singers that are mad at them, another by the Illinois Nazis (also mad at them) and the fourth is this ex-fiancé of one of the bro's.

She is the topic of the day. She is really mad at Jake and tries a number of different ways of getting rid of him for good (Which they always miraculously live through, it's hilarious), including blowing up their apartment building, using a flame thrower, and shooting them down with a machine gun (She misses them, just to make it more funny).

And here we come to the funny part. Birdie was requesting that we watch a movie that had "romance" in it. She was thinking My Fair Lady, or something. Buddy says, "How about blues brothers?" Birdie says, "That doesn't have romance in it" (Which, btw it doesn't). Greg responds, "Yes it does! It's that girl trying to shoot down the guy 'cause she's mad at him, that's, like, ultimate romantic for a girl!"

So, we see the romantic logic of Buddy.

October 19, 2007

Scarecrow and Mrs. King - YESSS!!

Does anyone remember PAX TV when it was a big thing? Sometime in the mid to late 90's? diagnosis murder, animal heroes, and the great and untouchable Touched By An Angel?

Allow me to reach further back into your memory. Does anyone remember the TV show, Scarecrow and Mrs. King? That was in the 80's. It's this great show about a slick spy (code-named Scarecrow - real name Lee Stetson) who unwittingly becomes partenered with a divorced housewife with two kids (Mrs. Amanda King).

It was replayed on PAX in the late 90's, all four seasons, every evening from 3-4. Well, I LOVE Scarecrow and Mrs. King, it's AWESOM! mom and I have talked about finding it on DVD on and off for years, but with no succes in actaully finding it. Well, Wednesday night, me and Mom were out for coffee, and started talking about old TV shows, which naturally led to a discussion about Scarecrow and Mrs. King.

So, we get home and Mom does a search for the show, and actaully finds it!!! We found all four seasons for on sale for only $50 at TVShowmedia, so I bought them! I'm so happy!!!

October 18, 2007

Knees and Bikes

Some of you know that a litle less than two months ago Dad, Buddy, Birdie and I went on a 39 mile bike ride on the path 'round here. (We headed East 20 miles and then back) If you knew that, then you also know that on mile 1 I made a really stupid mistake (that any 9 year old who's been bikeing more than a year would know not to do) and fell and skaped up my knees really bad. I then rode another 38 miles (during which I aplied anti-bactierial stuff and cleaned it numerous times).

Well, nearly two months later all I have left on my knees are some red spots that haven't aquired their usual color, but they're basically healed.

At the same time, though, for the past two months I've been having more knee pain than usual, and it feels different than it used to. I inspected my knees, and I think my knee caps have actaully moved (I already had off-set knee caps anyways, but they're in different spots now).

Theory: I tore some ligaments or something when I fell, but didn't know it becuause I was in so much pain from the scrapes that I didn't notice that the actual joints were hurting.

So, if you all could please pray that they heal themselves and I don't have to take them to a doc to figuer out what needs done or not done, I'd appriciate it.

October 16, 2007

Ann Coulter, Thoughts About

Well, I've been hearing (and you may have been too) about Ann Coulters new book, If Democrats Had Any Brains They'd Be Republicans. This provocative title actually tops the title of her last book, How To Talk To A Liberal (If You Must): The World According To Ann Coulter (something I didn't think quite possible).

Is Ann going over the top? Well, I think that what she is saying is true, but she could be a little more genteal about it, I suppose. Is she trying to get attention just for attentions sake? How can one really tell? An since we can't really know, don't we just have to take her for what she produces (books, tv and radio presentations etc.)? If that's so, we've just come back to the first question, has she gone over the top?

I've been struggling with this some lately. Where is the line between "being nice" and "being a RINO" (RINO: Republican In Name Only). Also, (and this is more pertinent to Ann Coulter's writings) where is the line between "being mean" and "telling it like it is"? This is a quandary that my mind has been tangling with for quite some time, and I can't seem to figure it out.

For the record, I have not read Ann Coulter's books, but I am quite familiar through the radio and TV.

On that note, has anyone read any of them, and could anyone recommend one that is especially good?

You'll have to excuse me now; I need to get back to my regularly scheduled "Discussions of certain political and philosophical quandary's with TJO".

October 13, 2007

something funny about math - is it possible?

If you know me very much at all you probably know that I really don't like math of all sorts. (actaully, what little chemistry I've been introduced to is quite interesting, but that's beside the point) Well, this semester i'm techinically taking two math "classes". one at home and Consumer Mathmatics with Mrs. D (and three other girls, all of us friends with, um, Mrs. President [not madame president, Mrs. president, ie Funkysocks]).

Well, I thought that there was nothing funny whatsoever about math, until I found the pic's below. The story is I was looking for a new pic for my gtalk status thing. i wanted something interesting, so I typed in "funny" searching images. Well, about two pages in I found these, and being a math enthusiast (ina twisted way) I popped them up big and started laughing like you wouldn't believe!

Sooo... hope they make you laugh as much as they did me!

It's sort of hard to read the second one, so I'll transcribe:

Question: Explain the shape of the graph.

"Its curvy, with a higher bit at the end and a rather aesthetically pleasing slope downwards towards a pretty flat strait bit. The actaul graph itself consists of 2 strait lines meeting at the lower left hand corner of the graph and moving away at a 90 degree angle. Each line has an arrow head on the end."

October 12, 2007

I like lyrics, so what?

What if I am flooding you peoples reading material with lyrics? well, I know some find it boring, but it is a large part of my languege (Blogger needs a spell check). I've spent the morning spinning vinal (playing records for those of you who don't ever do that) and this is Dad and I's favorite Petra tune. I found out that Jars of Clay also did this song, but I won't vouch for it 'cause I don't think anyone could do it as well as Petra (petra ROCKS [no pun intended]).

Petra Lyrics

Rose Colored Stained Glass Windows Lyrics

Another sleepy Sunday, safe within the walls
Outside a dying world in desperation calls
But no-one hears the cries, or knows what they're about
The doors are locked within, or is it from, without...

Looking through rose colored stained glass windows
Never allowing the world to come in
Seeing no evil and feeling no pain
Making the light as it comes from within, so dim...


Out on the doorstep lay the masses in decay
Ignore them long enough, maybe they'll go away
When you have so much you think, you have so much to lose
You think you have no lack, when you're really destitute

Looking through rose colored stained glass windows - stained glass windows!
Never allowing the world to come in - they won't lemmie come in!
Seeing no evil and feeling no pain - no feel, no pain!
Making the light as it comes from within, so dim - the light's so dim!
- so dim - the light's so dim!


Looking through rose colored stained glass windows
Never allowing the world to come in
Seeing no evil and feeling no pain
Making the light as it comes from within, so dim, so dim!


October 11, 2007

Some great lyrics

So, here's some lyrics that I heard the other day, and loved. Found them hilarious myself. I have been wanting to put these up ever since, so enjoy:

Well a hard headed woman,
a soft hearted man
been the cause of trouble
ever since the world began.
Oh yeah, ever since the world began
a hard headed woman been
a thorn in the side of man.

Now Adam told to Eve,
"Listen here to me,
don't you let me catch you
messin' round that apple tree."
Oh yeah, ever since the world began
a hard headed woman been
a thorn in the side of man.

Now Samson told Delilah
loud and clear,
"Keep your cotton pickin' fingers
out my curly hair."
Oh yeah, ever since the world began
a hard headed woman been
a thorn in the side of man.

I heard about a king
who was doin' swell
till he started playing
with that evil Jezebel.
Oh yeah, ever since the world began
a hard headed woman been a thorn in the side of man.

I got a woman,
a head like a rock.
If she ever went away
I'd cry around the clock.
Oh yeah, ever since the world began
a hard headed woman been
a thorn in the side of man.

The book recomendations...

... that I promised oh so long ago. (just for the record, I didn't really recover from the hives until about a week ago, and I've been pretty busy since then)

Top of the list favorite!! - you'll have to read the rest of the list first, na-na-na

Forbid Them Not by Dr. Farris
I loved this book. It had a great representation of the politics and the courts on the issue of childs rights etc, but also had a funny and yes even a romance side to it. would not recomend to those under maybe 14 or so as it touches some more adult issues in the court case part. (have mom read it or something)

John Ploughman's Talk by C.H. Spurgeon
A book of antecdotes and discussions on a wide aray of topics generally dealing with those touching Christian life and general vices (i.e. idleness, "men with two faces", debt, etc.). It is convicting and absolutely HILARIOUS at the same time. A good read.

The Last Jihad, The Last Days, The Ezekeil Option, The Copper Scroll by Rosenberg
don't read them if you couldn't handle Assasins in the Left Behind Series. The contain violence up to that level, and in one case a bit beyond. Still, VERY good, pageturners and thought provoking.

and, my FAVORITE! That Printer of Udel's.
WOW what a great book. And if you don't trust me, It was Reagans fav book too.


FedFri Gary Bauer End Of Day 10-10-07

Yeah, so it's thursday, but I won't have time to do this tomorow, so here it is.

From: Gary L. Bauer, Chairman
Campaign for Working Families

Date: Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Contrast

The Republican MSNBC debate yesterday was dedicated first and foremost to a
discussion of economic issues. I don’t know about you, but as I watched,
one thing became very evident to me: When it comes to taxes on family
investors and businesses, any of these GOP candidates is far superior to
Hillary Clinton or any of the other main Democrat contenders.

It would take most of this daily report to list all the proposed new taxes
that the Democrat candidates have proposed in their debates and that
Democrat members of Congress have actually introduced in the last six
months. But here’s a short list:

Do you think gasoline is too expensive? The liberals want to add on a new
federal levy that will take it up another 50 cents per gallon. Are you
self-employed? The Left wants to lift the tax ceiling so you will pay 15%
in Social Security taxes on all your self-employment income. Do you get
dividends from stocks or have you got capital gains? Democrats want to
repeal the Bush tax cuts that have spurred 48 straight months of job

The Republican candidates last night talked about optimism, hope,
investment, and entrepreneurship. The Democrats, led by Hillary, emphasize
failure and negativity. And to top it all off, they play the class warfare
card by attacking every successful U.S. industry and any American who has
achieved economic success.

2008 will be a tough year. But I remain convinced that if we keep the
coalition together of social issue conservatives, economic conservatives
and foreign policy conservatives, we can win!

Iran’s Hitler Speaks; Is The West Listening?

It may surprise you to know that “Jerusalem Day” is celebrated in Iran.
It’s a big day with lots of speeches and parades, but it’s not what you
think. The Islamic radicals created the day in 1979 as a way of showing
Muslim solidarity with the Palestinian “resistance” and to express the
Muslim hope that Jerusalem would one day be “liberated” from the Jews.

Iran’s “president,” Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, used last week’s “Jerusalem Day”
event to once again lash out against Israel and America. At a rally in
Tehran last week, Ahmadinejad whipped the crowd into a frenzy with an anti-
Semitic tirade reminiscent of a Nazi rally at Nuremberg. To give you a
glimpse of the scene, just consider this report from Reuters:

“Tens of thousands marched in a rally to mark the day, including soldiers,
students and clerics. Black-clad women with small children clutching
balloons emblazoned ‘Death to Israel’ were among those flocking the streets
of central Tehran. ‘Death to America, Death to Israel,’ chanted the
marchers, many carrying portraits of Khomeini and his successor Supreme
Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.”

Here are some excerpts of Ahmadinejad’s rant:

“The Palestinian people are standing firm. The Iranian people and other
peoples will not stop until all of Palestinian territory is liberated.
They [world powers] should not think that the Iranian nation and other
nations in the region will take off their hands off the throat of the
Zionists and their supporters. …

“But the Iranian nation has a question and as long as there is no clear and
reasonable response to this question, it will remain. They have made the
Holocaust sacred and do not allow anyone to ask questions. Under the
pretext of the Holocaust they are allowed to commit whatever crime they
like. Europeans cannot tolerate the Zionists in their region and country,
but they want to impose them on the people of the region... Give these vast
lands of Canada and Alaska to them to create a country for themselves.”

Ahmadinejad also added, “The creation, continued existence and unlimited
(Western) support for this regime is an insult to human dignity. The
occupation of Palestine is not limited to one land. The Zionist issue is
now a global issue.”

Our next president will very likely have to confront this madman and his
pursuit of nuclear weapons. Barack Obama thinks he can reason with him and
has pledged to meet with Mahmoud in the first year of his presidency.
Regardless, any Democrat would be hamstrung by the radical leftwing fringe
and groups like What about the Republicans? That topic was
also brought up in last night’s debate.

Now, I know there are a number of you intrigued by Ron Paul. Please
rethink your position! Here’s what he said yesterday about dealing with

CHRIS MATTHEWS: “Okay. Same question -- deadline, gentlemen, it’s so
important. Congressman Paul, do you believe the president needs
authorization of Congress to attack strategic targets in Iran, nuclear

REP. PAUL: “Absolutely. … You’re not allowed to go to war without a
declaration of war. Now, as far as fleeting enemies go, yes, if there’s an
imminent attack on us, we’d never had that happen in 220 years. The
thought that the Iranians could pose an imminent attack on the United
States is preposterous. There’s no way.”

Has the man heard of Pearl Harbor? If he’s not a fan of “ancient history,”
where was he just six years ago, on the morning of 9/11?

We’re living in an age where terrorists have turned airplanes into weapons
of mass destruction. Madmen, hiding anywhere in the world -- say in
Pyongyang, Damascus, or Tehran for example -- with the right technology can
obliterate an American city in a matter of minutes. Paul seems completely
oblivious to this reality.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Whatever attributes some
perceive, Ron Paul is clueless about the threat facing this country.
Isolationism and appeasement didn’t keep us out of World War I, allowed
Hitler to conquer most of Europe and North Africa and gave him a free hand
to murder six million Jews, and won’t prevent Islamofascists from attacking
us in the future. They have declared war on Israel, on America and Western
Civilization. We need a president who understand that fact and who is
committed to our victory in the war against Islamofascism.

Please feel free to pass on this "End of Day" update to interested friends
and family members.

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Paid for by Campaign for Working Families and not authorized by any
candidate or candidate’s committee.

Campaign for Working Families
2800 Shirlington Road
Suite 930
Arlington, VA 22206
Fax: 703-671-8899

September 11, 2007


I'm sick.

Until last night at about 10 when I finally went to sleep, I had been up for I think about 36 hours. I had a pretty severe alergic reaction to something on thursday night, and on monday we went to the doc. She put me on some steroids to get the reaction to stop. I don't do well with steroids never have, (this has happened before - the hives) they make me quit sleeping. I'm tired.

Dad just got a Co cell number! It's kind'a cool.

Well, seeing that I have been mostly in bed for the past five days, I don't really have any other news, except that I have some really great book recomendations for ya'll... next time!


September 6, 2007

News, News and More News

1 Dad has a job!!!! His new company is Corrigo. If you want to know what they do, please go here.
2 Contrary to what seems to be common belief right now, we are not leaving in the blink of an eye, so please stop worrying that we are... the house must sell first
3 Please pray that a particular couple somehow get their finances in order some time soon. If they do, they will buy the house.
4 Don't panic, it doesn't look like that will happen, but we are praying.

I'll get more up here soon, but I have a bunch of stuff to get done.

August 5, 2007

Rose Garden

Here's an interesting oldie that my parents played for me tonight. It's a bit nonsensical but I like it.

Rose Garden Lyrics

I beg you pardon I never promised you a rose garden

Along with the sunshine there's got to be a little rain sometimes

When you take you got to give so live and let live or let go

I beg you pardon I never promised you a rose garden

I could promise you things like big diamond rings

But you don't find roses growin' on stalks of clover so you better think it over

Well it's sweet talking you could make it come true

I would give you the world right now on a silver platter but what would it matter

So smile for a while and let's be jolly love shouldn't be so melancholy

Come along and share the good times while we can

I beg you pardon I never promised you a rose garden

Along with the sunshine there's gotta be a little rain sometimes

[ guitar ]

I beg you pardon I never promised you a rose garden

I could sing you a tune and promise you the moon

But if that's what it takes to hold you I'd just as soon let you go

But there's one thing I want you to know

You better look before you leap still waters run deep

And there won't always be someone there to pull you out

And you know what I'm talking about

So smile for a while...

More Kitty Wells Lyrics...

August 3, 2007

The Kingdom Series

I just read a GREAT series of book I wanted to share with you all. The front cover of each book is above (Sorry they're not in order, had trouble uploading them).

Written by Chuck Black the series of six books are collectively called the Kingdom series: Kingdom’s Dawn, Kingdom’s Hope, Kingdom’s Edge, Kingdom’s Call, Kingdom’s Quest and Kingdom’s Reign. The Kingdom series’ allegorical narratives are engaging, character building, edifying stories that convey not only Biblical truths and themes, but also an excellent understanding of how all of the ‘stories’ connect.

Through the Kingdom books, Black has presented Christendom with a powerful tool with which we can teach our faith to young minds and hearts. Whether used as a portion of homeschool Bible curricula, an addition to or basis of a Bible study, or simply an enjoyable and spiritually fruitful read, they are a wonderful resource.

June 2, 2007

Grassroots Rage

Gary Bauer's End of Day Report is a great asset. Here's his thoughts of Pres Bush's speech and other surrounding events. Please note that I do not always agree with everything he says, but I do like his ideas most of the time.

To: Friends and SupportersFrom:
Gary L. Bauer, Chairman
Campaign for Working Families
Date: Friday, June 1, 2007

Grassroots Rage

It’s getting hot here in Washington, and I don’t mean the summer heat.Both political parties are feeling the heat right now from their coresupporters, and grassroots activists on the Left and the Right are takingtheir rage out against the Washington establishment.

On the Left, the issue is the war funding bill that passed the Democrat-controlled Congress over the objections of MoveOn.Org, which referred tothe troop funding bill as “the most shameful moment on Iraq since the voteto authorize war in 2002.” MoveOn is now organizing protests againstSenate Democrat Leader Harry Reid.

Cindy Sheehan quit the anti-war movement in disgust, issuing a blistering“letter of resignation” blasting the Democrat Party. Liberal blogs arefull of posts from demoralized members vowing to withhold funds from theDemocrat Party and promising to defeat Democrat incumbents who voted tofund our troops.

On the Right, the issue is immigration “reform.” The respected pollingcompany Rasmussen Reports recently noted, “Each time immigration reformdominates the news, President Bush’s job approval ratings tumble to newlows.”

The chairman of the Arizona Republican Party acknowledged to the press thathe has received “hundreds and hundreds of calls, e-mails and letters fromRepublicans angry about the bill. They were saying, ‘I am going toregister independent and not give you any more money’ -- and that’s thebase of our party saying that.”

Republican Party officials in Iowa noted that they have had “nothing butangry phone calls streaming into our office since it was announced … notone happy caller.”

Today’s Washington Times reports that the Republican National Committeerecently fired all of its telephone solicitors in part due to a 40% declinein contributions. According to one of the fired staffers, “Every donor…wereached has been angry…and for 99% of them immigration is the No. 1 issue.”

Today, Peggy Noonan writes about the strikingly offensive tone that theWhite House is taking in promoting Ted Kennedy’s immigration plan. This isan extraordinary column from Noonan, who has written eloquently about herlove for immigrants. Noonan has championed the administration and, likeall conservatives, has only wished for the president to succeed. For herto write the column she has today should be a wakeup call for the WhiteHouse.

Here are some excerpts:

“For almost three years, arguably longer, conservative Bush supporters havefelt like sufferers of battered wife syndrome. You don’t like endlessgushing spending…? Too bad! You don't like expanding governmental…power?Too bad. … But on immigration it has changed from ‘Too bad’ to ‘You’rebad.’

“The president has taken to suggesting that opponents of his immigrationbill are unpatriotic -- they “don’t want to do what’s right for America.’His ally Sen. Lindsey Graham has said, ‘We’re gonna tell the bigots to shutup.’ …Why would they speak so insultingly, with such hostility, ofopponents who are concerned citizens? And often, though not exclusively,concerned conservatives?”

Peggy’s got a point: The White House saves its harshest rhetoric for itsown friends over a domestic policy dispute, not those who would see theirown country humiliated on the battlefield in front of an enemy that hasvowed to destroy us. And she’s not the only one to notice this.

Yesterday, a reporter for the Houston Chronicle wrote, “President Bushsounded like he hoped to sever ties with the remaining 30 percent who likehim when he went after critics in his party this week over opposition tohis latest immigration plan.”

But, my friends, here’s the main thrust of Noonan’s op-ed:

“What political conservatives…must understand at this point is that theyare not breaking with the White House on immigration. …Whatconservatives…must recognize is that the White House has broken with them.”

I couldn’t agree more.

It is not a conservative value to reward law-breaking, which this bill doesby granting illegal aliens visas to live and work in this country beforethose who have applied legally in their native countries.

It is not a conservative value to fail to assimilate or “Americanize”immigrants, which this bill does by allowing the Z visa to be renewed forthe lifetime of the holder.It is not a conservative value to burden our own citizens with a massiveamnesty for millions of poorly-educated, low-skill workers, who willconsume more in services than they will pay in taxes.And it is not a conservative value to put forth such a massive plan thatdoes not adequately address the most serious national security issuesconfronting our country.

For more on this last point – the intersection of immigration and the waragainst Islamofascism – please read my weekly column at Human EventsOnline, at

Please feel free to pass on this "End of Day" update to interested friendsand family members.If you would like to receive this update by e-mail, you can sign up onlineat

If you would like to support our work, please click on the following link:

Paid for by Campaign for Working Families and not authorized by anycandidate or candidate’s committee.

Campaign for Working Families
800 Shirlington Road
Suite 930Arlington, VA 22206
Fax: 703-671-8899

Country Music?

Alright, so I admit that a lot of the people that condemn country music have some basis for their condemnation.

I also admit (or is it confess?) that I happen to like choice country music. So does Mom. Dad doesn't, but he puts up with us (thanks Daddy!).

So, for mother's day I put together about 10 of my favorite country songs for Mom (bought off the web). Her birthday is coming up, and she wants another!

I will now admit that the CD I put together for her was all the good country songs I like that I could remember enough about them to be able to get their titles!!

I am now welcoming suggestions for good, clean, funny, upbeat (She doesn't want any slow ones... this is getting harder all the time!) country songs. any genre, any singer.

Here's the ones I already have:

God Blessed Texas
Little Bit of Life
Three Wooden Crosses (Randy Travis)
Drive (Alan Jackson - we have the whole album)
The Devil Went Down To Georgia
I'm Gonna Miss Her
Where Were You (When The World Stopped Turning)
The Bumper Of My SUV
Red neck Yacht Club
Work In Progress

May 31, 2007

Pres Bush's speech (Concerning Immigration)

hey, i haven't been able to hear much about the speech, but from what I have heard I think it was his largest mis-step and a plain offence to all of those conservatives who have supported him in any way. What do you all think about it. I am seriously curious.

Dreaming, Reading and Writing

At lunch today, someone mentioned that my soccer coach (A lady who is quite pregnent) canceled our extra practice becuase of the intense heat.

that clicked something in my brain conecting weather with Sunday. So I asked, "Was I dreaming, reading, writing or did I actually hear someone say that the weather was going to be aweful on Sunday?"

After hearing only disenting answers, Dad said, "Those are all the same to you, aren't they?"

"What are?"

"Dreaming, reading, and writing. Dreaming is writing. Reading is dreaming, and writing is both!"

It is too true! I really do get real life mixed up with my "other worlds".

That sounds really ditzy, doesn't it? Well, ditzy though it may sound, it's true, and I've been told by reliable sorces that I am not ditzy. I have only to quote a refridgerator magnet that my Mom says sounds (in some ways) just like me:

"I know I'm in my own world... it's OK, they know me here."

P.S. As I am sitting here, I looked over at the book on my desk, and it flashed on me that it was in my reading... The Ezekeil Option. Stormy weather was supposed to come on Sunday. So there you have it.

May 15, 2007

A Request for Understanding

Lord, who am I to question you? Who am I to ask how you are orchestrating everything perfectly and how I fit in? Who am I to try and understand your ways? You have been fully human - yet still fully God. I don't understand that, but I believe what you said. So, surely you understand what I am feeling? That's silly, you didn't need to experience it, your GOD! You MADE me. Anyhow, you know what I'm feeling. It'd be awfully nice to know a little about what's going on right now. Little by little You somehow decide to give me small glimpses of the big picture when I'm in situations, and I suppose that I'm being impatient and asking for more than usual, but that's my request. I love you. I know that you are with me no matter what and that you have everything figured out. Please give me peace in knowledge of you. Amen.

-From a currently un-named story I'm writing.

May 14, 2007

Forgot to say...

Forgot to say that the winner was a debater. No WONDER we didn't win! There were two debaters running for sure, and the other may have been too, judging by the way he dressed I think he was... but not sure. Then there was my candidate and this boy that was eleven. I am almost sure that he got most of his votes because he was absolutely adorable. I've never ever been influenced to support someone because of how they looked, but if you know my brother, you know why I was this once. he was one of those younger people that you just can't bear to turn down anything that they want because they're so sweet!.

anyhow, the debaters got all the votes because the debaters automatically rallied around the debaters, and very few people there knew my candidate. It was a perfect example of name-recognition influencing a campaign.

Campaign Manager

The Convention was Great. Ned and Drew Ryun were wonderful speakers and the topics were great.

I went with the intent to run for president, but instead I ended up running someone's campaign for them. It was a BLAST! It was probably the most spur of the moment thing I have ever done that didn't include picking up a magazine or book. I was sitting in front of a girl after having just found out the Ned was allowing write-in (or independent - they were treated the same) candidates!! I told her that, and then she started discussing what platform she would use if she ran. I liked it, and immediately saw an opportunity and said, "You just found yourself a campaign manager!"

I immediately took out my note book and started ripping pages out and making poster's out of them. Then, an hour or so later, Ned informed us that we weren't allowed to use any thing that wasn't "sold" by GenJ using our "GenJ Bucks" which we received by lobbying. He also informed us that if we did it would cost us a fine (he was very nice and told me that as long as we didn't do it again, we wouldn't be fined). So, we took down the pieces of notebook paper and lobbied. we had to have 20,000 dollars and 40 people sign a petition by 12:00PM the second day to be allowed to run.

My candidate did not win... but neither of us expected anything different. She hadn't (if I understood her correctly) ever campaigned before, but she did an awesome job! They had a presidential debate... she had never done a speech or a debate, but she really did quite well in front of a crowd. I was very pleased with what we were able to do.

It was SO fun to run a campaign. It was insane, tiring, and multiplied to the hundredth power because of the Lyme, but I again thanked God for giving us adrenalin and Chocolate and somehow kept going. Finding people, talking to people, making a fool of myself trying to get people's attention, walking a LONG, LONG, LONG, way between the exhibition hall and the room the GenJ'ers were using at least twenty times a day, including campaigning through the exhibition hall itself (a HUGE room), Eating on the run, forgetting to eat, forgetting which candidate you were with because they were all being yelled so loud around me....that was the experience. WOW!!! Campaigning to the MAX!!

On the way home from the second day Mom asked me, "So, after this experience, do you still want to perhaps run a real campaign someday?"

"Well" I said, "I think I would want to work VERY closely with someone who was actually running a campaign, and then run one. But sure, it was great!"

Let alone that it's something I would enjoy, with a real candidate and the opportunity to actually affect the issues on that candidate's platform, I could easily see myself doing that someday... perhaps sooner than later.

Today I'm really worn out from it all. More than I thought I would be. I think a lot of it is a post-campaign gloom that I always seem to get. my kite gets so high and I'm so excited, that once it's all over I just fall, dent one of my corners and feel a little gloomy. But I'll get over it in a day or two. Until then, I have Math and a bunch of books I need to finish, and some that I'd like to start.

Speaking of which, has anyone read the book The Ezekiel Option? I bought it at the convention. any thoughts on it? (That won't give it away... I haven't started it yet! to many things on my book list as it is.)

May 10, 2007

The Event

Homeschool convention.

What do you think of?

Curriculum..... lots and lots of curriculum..... and books.... and games/toys ...... the best games/toys you will ever find anywhere.... and speakers.... great speakers on wonderful topics... that leave you with the greatest vision of homeschooling... and Christianity that you will find anywhere..... AND!!!..... this year I'm going to the GenJ teen track and we get a mock presidential election!!!!

This is the first year that the whole fam is going. I've gone for the last two years, but this year buddy and birdie are coming too. I won't actually be with them at all this year 'cause of the GenJ thing, but it will be so fun to have them along anyhow. I CAN'T WAIT! Everyone should come!!

All you Teens around here that like politics and Christian worldview... You should see the schedule of topics for GenJ! It's going to be great. You don't have to be a member of GenJ or anything.

All you people that just love homeschooling and think it's the best thing on earth, come and get a huge bolster for your already high enthusiasm!

All you people that homeschool, but are feeling worn down and not sure if you can hand another year, let alone the rest of it, Come and get what Mom and Dad call a "shot in the arm" that will give you a huge boost!

Catch the vision this weekend!!

(Can you tell I love conventions??)

I'm so EXCITED!!!

(Please note that I am not paid by the convention, nor do I gain anything from encouraging you to go. I don't even volunteer for them!)

May 3, 2007

*Sigh* its been a long time

Wow, it's sure been a while.

First of all, we made it home in one piece, just so you know. (Actually, with a few extra pieces as we did have some car trouble - needed a new water pump in the middle of Nebraska of all places)

Since we got home, I've been getting back to normal life, something we (or anyhow I) haven't really had since November of '05 (Sick, debate, then sick again). We are now doing a full load of academics, and I have to admit (somewhat unwillingly) that I am enjoying it. As much as I despise math in all it's forms, it's nice to be back to algebra.

I'm reading a million books. here's the list:
Finding God Beyond Harvard
Finding God At Harvard
Understanding the Times
Original Intent
A Tale Of Two City's
as well as the next book in the G.A. Henty historical fiction series is (I just finished Orange and Green: a tale of Boyne and Limerick(sp?))
My little sis is still reading the Elsie Dinsmore series to me (we finally made it to the third book, YEAH!!!!! It's about time.)

Lot's of cooking/baking for the fam and cleaning before the Realtors show up.

Oh, and our soccer season started a few weeks ago, and I am actually making it through the practices without killing myself! We are having an optional practice today that I'll probably go to as well.

Mom decided that we are going to have Mother's day early this year because on the weekend of mother's day we are going to a homeschool convention, and she knows that she'll be tired out on Sunday. So, we are having it this Saturday. Has anyone ever made a meringue before? Mom wants me to make her a lemon meringue pie for her, and I have to admit I'm a little worried about it. any tips?

Oh, and for those of you around here, the convention we're going to is having a Generation Joshua Teen Track that I will be participating in. It looks like an absolute BLAST! They are having some great speakers on great topics and they are going to have a MOCK PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION!

March 26, 2007

I haven't fell off the face of the earth

Hey! (I know that a lot of you haven't heard from me for quite a long time, and that I missed the Federal Fridays post, but I've been out of town, and this was my first acces to a computer.

We had a death in the family, so Mom and Dad's trip to CO was leangthened and us kids were added to it so we wcould all go to the funeral.

but this means that we al get to go hunt houses!!! YEAH!!!!

See you all soon (on the net or in preferably in person)!

March 16, 2007

Federal Fridays - Baby-sitting the Baby-sitters

The government has taken on some sitter-like mentalities these days. From the Public Schools to the many departments of Social Services, all the way down to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the government seems to be doing nothing but baby-sitting anything that affects tax-payers. The government does not seem to be satisfied with what it already oversees and runs, though. It’s now trying to micro-manage the actual tax-payer. Their ways and methods are many, but that isn’t the point of this article.

Think of it this way. The government wants to stick its fingers into the private sector. Ever since the start of this government, the governed have fought against this very thing. So, what does the government do? You would think that they would be prudent with the money coming from those that they are trying to micro-manage, right? Of course you would, but our government evidently doesn’t think so just now. Instead of being economical with what they are entrusted, they spend exorbitant amounts of money on things that are not necessarily the most important, and never get to the things you as a tax-payer really care about.

Some recent occurrences at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provide us with a look at this. The CDC, while mostly interested in chronic and infectious diseases, is also involved in the arena of encouraging exercise and proper nutrition*.

It seemed that the morale (and physical fitness) of CDC employees was less than desirable. So, in September of 2006, the CDC opened a new and highly improved fitness center on their main campus in Atlanta. Long deferred for re-modeling, CDC employees were hardly content with the old, and looked wide-eyed at the new 16,000 sq. foot center*. The Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management’s Republican Office reported (on their website):

“It appears the $200,000+ state of the art “lifestyle” center featuring saunas, zero-gravity chairs, and mood enhancing light shows or its scenic Japanese Gardens have not been sufficient to improving morale at the CDC[.]”

Even this center, though, is less extensive than some that are provided to employees of business giants, or privately owned gyms.

The success of this project is not yet clear, but more people are exercising*. But what’s the point? So, they built a fitness center? I have absolutely nothing against fitness centers. But why is this money being spent in this fashion? It’s our money they’re spending. It’s not theirs. And, after all, what was accomplished?

Well, according to a CDC internal survey of employees, a drop of employee morale and feelings that the CDC was changing in a good way between 2003 and 2005 was evident**. Other indications of the same has moved the CDC brass to hire two ombudsmen for $250,000 a piece. Ombudsmen are often quite helpful to those inside of any organization. But, true to form, the ombudsmen the government hired are having trouble explaining just what they’ve been doing for the first three months of their year-long contract. Go here for more information.

Another example of tax-dollar waste is that the U.S. is involved in the United Nations. Besides the political hoops and loops, the UN is simply a wasteful entity. In 2004, the UNDP (United Nations Development Program) paid a historian $567,379 to write a book entitled, UNDP: A Better Way?. This book is all praise for the UNDP itself. Consider this budget for the book:

$252,000 for the historian's 21-month salary

$87,639 for the "project coordinator's" salary

$91,559 for "research and editing"

$37,299 for travel

$26,752 for office space

$55,452 for purchasing mass quantities of its own book

The Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management Republican Office noted on their website:

“Overlooking the fact that the U.N. must pay historians to praise itself, U.N. officials continue to criticize the U.S. for not giving more than the $108 million we give to the UNDP each year. This criticism towards the #1 U.N. donor seems odd at a time when U.N. management should be asking UNDP how many Guatemalan farmers could be trained to maximize crop yields, how many Burmese refugees could be taught to read and write, how many Sudanese survivors of genocide could be fed a meal, how many micro-loans could be administered in India for $567,379?”

Ah, but how does the U.S.’s involvement with the U.N. affect you, the tax-payer?

Consider this recent spending spree from the U.N. for a moment. The Secretary General (Kofi Annan) decided to spruce up his New York City apartment to the tune of $4.3 million. According to the Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management Republican Office:

“The U.S. taxpayer, who covers 22% of all U.N. operating expenses, will be expected to donate $1 million towards this lush project.” And, “Part of the plan is to spend $200,000 on a new kitchen alone. For $200,000, the U.N. could purchase 200,000 malaria pills to help save 200,000 kids suffering in Africa. Surely a normal, everyday kitchen is worth 200,000 lives?”

Please note that these few things I’ve mentioned hardly scratch the surface of both our Governments waste, or that of the United Nations.

The United States Government is trying very hard to baby-sit its tax-payers. With all the waste going on (measuring $29 billion in 2006 alone according to Citizens against Government Waste) don’t you think it’s time that the tax-payers started keeping an eye on the government? As crazy and unnecessary as you may think it, it’s time to start baby-sitting the self-imposed, over-paid baby-sitter that is trying so hard to use our money.

* CDC Opens Model Employee Fitness Center by Mike Stobbe The Washington Post

** Report on CDC's ills likely out Monday, Ombudsmen tackle morale problems by Alison Young, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

March 15, 2007

Enjoying the Beautiful Weather

Boy, it's beautiful outside! The windows are open, our little pond outside just finished a two day cleaning by Buddy, what could be better? Staying awake for it would be nice.

I'm blue. Officially. And have been for a few days. I think I'm starting to feel better though. It's really to bad with the weather being so nice.

On to better news, I've been writing for a while this morning, and enjoying it. Mom is out shopping and visiting with a friend, Dad is using the other computer doing stuff, and I really need to start making lunch.

Oh! I watched the most fun movie recently. Zero Effect, ever heard of it? It was really enjoyable. It's a mystery, that's got just enough suspense to keep you interested, but just has you enjoying it the whole time. I saw it on broadcast and I think it was edited a little for content, so I can't vouch for it completely, but what I saw was REALLY enjoyable. Can you tell I liked it?

March 13, 2007

A Great Pie

Since it seems spring has arrived (or it has here anyhow), here's a great desert that deserves a try!

Tin Roof Fudge Pie
Originally from Taste of Home cook book.

Made 2/07 By me. I liked with peanuts, but Mom suggested leaving out peanuts and just having caramel in the second layer, or substituting pecans or softer nut.

2 squares (1 once each) semisweet baking chocolate
1 tablespoon butter (no substitutes)
1 pastry shell (9 inches), baked

20 caramels
1/3 cup whipping cream
1-1/2 cups salted peanuts

8 squares (1 once each) semisweet baking chocolate
2 tablespoons butter (no substitutes)
1 cup whipping cream
2 teaspoons canilla extract
Whipped cream and salted peanuts, optional

3 caramels
5 teaspoons whipping cream
1 tablespoon butter (no substitutes)

In a microwave or double boiler, melt chocolate and butter. Spread onto the bottom and up the sides of crust; refrigerate until the chocolate is set. In a saucepan over low heat, melt caramels and cream, stirring frequently until smooth. Remove from the heat; stir in peanuts. Spoon into pie shell; refrigerate. In a small saucepan over low heat, melt chocolate and butter. Remove from the hear; let stand 15 minutes meanwhile, in a mixing bowl, beat cream and vanilla until soft peaks form. Crefully fold a third of the whipped cream into the chocolate mixture; fold in the remaining whipped cream. Spread over peanut layer; refrigerate until set. Garnish with whipped cream and peanuts if desired. In a small saucepan over low heat, melt caramels, cream and butter. Drizzle over pie, Refrigerate until serving.

Yield: 8-10 servings

March 10, 2007

Chocolate Cake and the FBI

The events of today have been quite a mix of things, as introduced by the title. We have the last half of an AMAZING chocolate cake that we have been carving on. It's a triple chocolate fudge cake mix with frosting made of powdered sugar, butter, milk, and Hershey's dark cocoa! Wow!

The other part was spent fraternizing with the FBI. Not for real, you understand. I've been writing and in the story the main character was. As in my mind I am the main characters in my stories, I was with the FBI, and enjoyed it all the way. The story is about a girl in her mid twenties that is accused of being involved in an assassination, and an agents attempt at proving and/or disproving it. I've got 27 pages right now, and more are coming as soon as I finish this post.

That's about it for now, except that we've got a showing tomorrow for that family from NJ (they never showed up on thursday), so pray that that goes well.

Don't forget to turn your clocks forward 1 hour!

The Man's Trailer - The Epic Story

Once upon a time, a man in his early twenties started working for a piano shop moving pianos. He drove the truck, went to New York, New York fairly often, and every now and then they would use this little trailer. This trailer was owned by the owner of the piano shop. The young man liked this trailer because of it's hard to find proportions. It was short enough to fit in a normal garage door, and long enough to put a grand piano in.

As time went by, the man got older and moved on to other jobs, but still retained his friendship with the owner of the piano shop. Every now and then he would stop by and visit, and again try to convince the owner to sell the trailer. The owner always refused. For twenty years this continued. The man also kept his eye out constantly for a trailer like it, but never found one for sale. Then, the man found it necessary to move himself and his family to another part of the country.

He still kept looking for a trailer that he would want to buy, but never found it. Then, he again found it necessary to move. This time, he felt that a trailer would be very helpful to him, as he was moving all the families possessions himself. He did a lot of research, and found another type of trailer that had the same dimensions as the one he had wanted for so long.

Finally, he found one of these, a Thule (pronounced to-lee), used just an hour and a half drive from his home.

He ended up buying it, and from then on life was bliss.....
OK, so it wasn't bliss, but he was very happy he got his trailer after twenty years of wanting one.

None of this info is correct. If you happen to think that the man represents my dad, YOU ARE WRONG. If you happen to think that any of this actually took place, YOU ARE WRONG. If you think that I am always and under all circumstances truthful, YOU ARE WRONG. (wait a minute, where did that last bit come from? Oh well.)

March 9, 2007

Federal Fridays - Changing DST (Is that LEGAL??)

You wouldn't believe it, but someone already did it, legal or not. Yes, DST has already been changed, even though your calender doesn't say so. Who is the culprit? According to the Chicago Tribune: "At 2 a.m. Sunday, daylight saving time starts three weeks earlier than usual in a federal effort to save energy.",0,6382414.story?coll=chi-bizfront-hed Yes, the Federal government has changed it, and failed to give us a year so that our calenders could be changed! OK, so that would be a little overboard, but still, it's kind of weird. However, now that we know, we can deal with this, right? I mean, what could go wrong? A lot. "[M]illions of computers, servers and networks are programmed to move the hands forward on the first Sunday in April." "[H]eat and lights in some buildings could come on an hour later than they should. Meeting rooms may be double booked. Sprinklers might go haywire. Doors may lock and unlock when they aren't supposed to. People could be late to meetings with their bosses if their computerized calendars aren't tweaked in time.",0,6382414.story?coll=chi-bizfront-hed Many things have been fixed, are fixable, or are tolerable: "[T]echnologists are racing against the computer clocks to make the software fixes." "TiVo and other digital video recorders have made fixes. Those with older computer systems may have to hunt online for software fixes called "patches," or just endure having a clock out of sync for three weeks. Still, Kevin Watne, president of Los Angeles technology consultant Generation IX, has a novel solution for Californians if all else fails: set their haywire technology on Mountain Standard Time for three weeks.",0,6382414.story?coll=chi-bizfront-hed Now, that, was a good idea. Isn't it hilarious how much can be affected - how many people have to work, how many news stories are written, how much annoyance is caused - by the Federal Government?

March 8, 2007

Something Fun

I love politics. But, as this is not a political blog, I am wary of putting political opinions here, as that isn't the point of this blog. Yet, some things about politics and the government have a place here I think.

And so I am launching Federal Fridays. Post's that have the hilarious, strange and/or slightly insane things that the Federal Government is doing with your tax dollars!

So, don't go away, Federal Fridays begins tomorow!

Realtors, Realtors, Realtors.

Hey people! We are waiting for this lady from NJ to call and tell us that she would like to come see the house again (her second visit). Please pray that she comes, and that the family will awnt to buy it and make an offer NOW!

Besides that, I had a great flute lesson yesterday (always a bright spot in any week). I've also been cooking, reading, cutting out a pattern for a dress I'm making for myself and watching movies in the evenings with the fam.

Not much else to say for now, but as soon as I get a chance to do a bit of research on the Net, I'll have something interesting and newsworthy for you!

March 5, 2007

CO trip - soon

More Exciting News!!
Dad is probably going to have two interviews set up in CO withing the next couple weeks! He is trying to get them close together so that he can bring Mom and combine it into a house hunting trip as well. This is SO encouraging to us, especially to Mom and Dad.

Also, we have some people coming for a second look at our house this week. This is expecially exciting as we are on the top of thier list right now!

Please Pray:
-That Dad is able to schedual the interviews
-That the schedualling of the whole trip (when it happens) works out just right
-That the interviews go well, and that both want Dad to work for them
-That they are able to choose a house
-That the people that are coming want to buy our house, and...
-That we have one of these:

In front of our house really soon!
Thanks all for your continued prayers!

And On That Day - Phil Keaggy song

A few months ago, I decided it was time to try doing a special music piece in church. I wanted something that wasn't to long or strenuous, as my voice is really weak along with the rest of my muscles. Dad has a Phil Keaggy album - True Believer - that I enjoy. I wanted to do one of his pieces, but they are all in an awful key for me to sing.... except one. And On That Day, is written for Phil to sing with a substantial female backup - that by the end is more of a duet - and so it's in a key that's half way decent. It also has a flute part (actually it's for an ebo, but flute sufficed fine), so I played and sang in the same song.

Yesterday, we performed it! It was beautiful! I was so glad it came off well. It was our music pastor doing the male voice and guitar, a girl on the keyboard filling in with long chords, snare drum brushes, and bass (plus me singing and playing flute). It sounded GREAT. The sound guys took a recording of it and sent it to us, which is really nice.

I was so happy to be able to do some music performance again.

March 2, 2007

See and be Jealous!

I have loved the Rocky mountains of CO ever since my family vacationed there when I was 8 or 9 years old. Two years ago I was back there with my dad for a conference we attended. We did bring a camera, and got nice pictures. The first 5 we took, and the other 2 I pulled from the Internet. Aren't they amazing? It's one thing to see pictures or to visit, but I actually get thee chance to live there!! As hard as it is to leave people here, I am very excited!! (can you tell?)

The Summit

Garden of the god's (over-view of part of the valley)

Another Garden of the god's formation (my favorite)

Not sure where, but not in garden of the god's

A stream we hiked up in a deep gorge

Internet pic

Internet pic

Verses about Prayer

We have a software that has the Bible on it, and let's you search it in different ways. I decided to do a word search on the word prayer. For now I am sticking to the Psalms because so many came up. Here are some of my favorites:

Psalm 4:1 (ESV)
Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness! You have given me relief when I was in distress. Be gracious to me and hear my prayer!

Psalm 66:19-20 (ESV)
But truly God has listened; he has attended to the voice of my prayer. Blessed be God, because he has not rejected my prayer or removed his steadfast love from me!

Psalm 102:17 (ESV)
He regards the prayer of the destitute and does not despise their prayer.

Psalm 141:2 (ESV)
Let my prayer be counted as incense before you, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice!

This one was my favorite:

Psalm 69:13 (ESV)
But as for me, my prayer is to you, O Lord. At an acceptable time, O God, in the abundance of your steadfast love answer me in your saving faithfulness.

Buddy's Trumpet

Buddy got his trumpet today! I'm not sure I've ever seen him so excited in his life. Dad already taught him "Mary had a Little Lamb", and he is so proud of it! He almost gave up watching a Mission: Impossible episode to go in the basement to play around with it. It's fun to watch him have so much fun.
One thing that was really funny, was when Birdie asked to hold the trumpet. I had just given it back to him after getting a lesson on how to hold it, which Birdie hadn't seen. Buddy, being the giving brother that he is, let her hold it, but you should have seen the look of worry on his face! "What if she dropped it!!!!!!" I'm sure he was thinking.

Houses, Jobs, and Guests.

Well, here we are it's already Friday night. The week has left us!

Bad news first. Dad lost his job a week or so ago..... again. I'm not going to get into it except to say that it was Dad's boss' fault. So, we are back to unemployment. (Sorry, but I won't even give you a chance to get your hopes up... we still plan to move to CO)

The exciting news is that Daddy already has two people very interested in him for jobs in the area of CO that we have pinpointed!! Please pray that these come through! One is with Sprint (a NAM [National Accounts something] which would be a sales representative job selling to national companies) and one is with an indirect dealer that only sells Sprint. Both would be nice, but the NAM position (from what I have pieced together) would be preferable. Mom and Dad are encouraged that these positions are opening up for Dad so quickly.

The other exciting news is that we are on the top of at least two peoples list's of favorite homes!! We have a number of probable buyers coming through soon, one of which is tomorrow morning. Please keep praying that this place sells NOW.

For the past few days we've been preparing for and cleaning up from guests. The parents of some students came and stayed with us. It was a lot of fun (as they always are).

One thing that I am noticing more as I am around more people (thinking I'm feeling better) is that people wear me out. I think it's the stimulation, as well as having to be engaged in a conversation. It's almost depressing, as I really want to be around people. So, what to do? well, I decide to be around people anyhow! I'm so sick of being sick, it's nice to not act sick for a while.

February 28, 2007

What would we do without music?

Yesterday Buddy, Dad and I drove to a place in MD to visit a guys shop where he repairs instruments. It's an awful messy place - instruments, pieces of instruments and cases literally covering the floor. (You think I'm kidding? think again!) The whole place kind of looks like a back room. He has what he needs to work on and what he has worked on for customers all over. Mixed in is the different things that he is selling, both needing and having had work done on them. He says that up stairs is more instruments! None the less, he does really good work.

So anyhow, we went up there because my flute needed some work (The pads mostly) and because (drum roll please) he wanted to get Buddy a trumpet!!!! When Dad suggested the idea to him, his eyes just lit up! We have always said that trumpet would be a good instrument for him, and he is so excited! He woke up this morning asking how long until we could go and get it. (The guy needed to do a little work on it before he gave it to us as it was used.)

I, on the other hand, am trying to live without my flute for a week. I have successfully done it before when it needed work, and when we were out of town, but when you're out of town it just isn't the same - you're doing something else with your time! Mom is missing it too.

And so comes the answer to the title: what would we do without music? Well, we read more, we go and blog about our missing it, we write more, and we ultimately end up listening to "the great ones" play some over the radio.

While thinking of all this, I am realizing that I may go for quite a few months without a teacher once we finally move to CO. :-(

February 26, 2007

Driving - I Got a Learners Permit!

I am officially alowed to drive with a licensed driver in the front seat! It happened on Saturday. Exciting!!!