Life, theology, tears, joys.

May 14, 2007

Forgot to say...

Forgot to say that the winner was a debater. No WONDER we didn't win! There were two debaters running for sure, and the other may have been too, judging by the way he dressed I think he was... but not sure. Then there was my candidate and this boy that was eleven. I am almost sure that he got most of his votes because he was absolutely adorable. I've never ever been influenced to support someone because of how they looked, but if you know my brother, you know why I was this once. he was one of those younger people that you just can't bear to turn down anything that they want because they're so sweet!.

anyhow, the debaters got all the votes because the debaters automatically rallied around the debaters, and very few people there knew my candidate. It was a perfect example of name-recognition influencing a campaign.


Gregory said...

Just curious, who were the debaters that ran? :-) said...

oh dear... lets see if I can recall corectly.
i believe the guy that won was Josh Grant (or maybe it was John Grant, not positive about the first name). then there was a something-or-other Rothermell, he looked and sounded like a debater, and Jordan Estrada's younger brother (Can't remember his first name for the life of me). he was the one that made one of the really long speeches at the Gen-J constitution day, remember? The only one to get an aplause? Most of the candidates used last names predominantly, so I know those for sure. I may remember more later. If I do I'll tell you.
(P.S. never watched you as Goalie before, you did great!)