Life, theology, tears, joys.

May 15, 2007

A Request for Understanding

Lord, who am I to question you? Who am I to ask how you are orchestrating everything perfectly and how I fit in? Who am I to try and understand your ways? You have been fully human - yet still fully God. I don't understand that, but I believe what you said. So, surely you understand what I am feeling? That's silly, you didn't need to experience it, your GOD! You MADE me. Anyhow, you know what I'm feeling. It'd be awfully nice to know a little about what's going on right now. Little by little You somehow decide to give me small glimpses of the big picture when I'm in situations, and I suppose that I'm being impatient and asking for more than usual, but that's my request. I love you. I know that you are with me no matter what and that you have everything figured out. Please give me peace in knowledge of you. Amen.

-From a currently un-named story I'm writing.

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