Life, theology, tears, joys.

May 10, 2007

The Event

Homeschool convention.

What do you think of?

Curriculum..... lots and lots of curriculum..... and books.... and games/toys ...... the best games/toys you will ever find anywhere.... and speakers.... great speakers on wonderful topics... that leave you with the greatest vision of homeschooling... and Christianity that you will find anywhere..... AND!!!..... this year I'm going to the GenJ teen track and we get a mock presidential election!!!!

This is the first year that the whole fam is going. I've gone for the last two years, but this year buddy and birdie are coming too. I won't actually be with them at all this year 'cause of the GenJ thing, but it will be so fun to have them along anyhow. I CAN'T WAIT! Everyone should come!!

All you Teens around here that like politics and Christian worldview... You should see the schedule of topics for GenJ! It's going to be great. You don't have to be a member of GenJ or anything.

All you people that just love homeschooling and think it's the best thing on earth, come and get a huge bolster for your already high enthusiasm!

All you people that homeschool, but are feeling worn down and not sure if you can hand another year, let alone the rest of it, Come and get what Mom and Dad call a "shot in the arm" that will give you a huge boost!

Catch the vision this weekend!!

(Can you tell I love conventions??)

I'm so EXCITED!!!

(Please note that I am not paid by the convention, nor do I gain anything from encouraging you to go. I don't even volunteer for them!)

1 comment:

readersis said...

Cool! I went to our state's homeschool convention a couple years, and I enjoyed it too. Unfortunately there is/was no such thing as GenJ around here. :-(