Life, theology, tears, joys.

October 11, 2007

FedFri Gary Bauer End Of Day 10-10-07

Yeah, so it's thursday, but I won't have time to do this tomorow, so here it is.

From: Gary L. Bauer, Chairman
Campaign for Working Families

Date: Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Contrast

The Republican MSNBC debate yesterday was dedicated first and foremost to a
discussion of economic issues. I don’t know about you, but as I watched,
one thing became very evident to me: When it comes to taxes on family
investors and businesses, any of these GOP candidates is far superior to
Hillary Clinton or any of the other main Democrat contenders.

It would take most of this daily report to list all the proposed new taxes
that the Democrat candidates have proposed in their debates and that
Democrat members of Congress have actually introduced in the last six
months. But here’s a short list:

Do you think gasoline is too expensive? The liberals want to add on a new
federal levy that will take it up another 50 cents per gallon. Are you
self-employed? The Left wants to lift the tax ceiling so you will pay 15%
in Social Security taxes on all your self-employment income. Do you get
dividends from stocks or have you got capital gains? Democrats want to
repeal the Bush tax cuts that have spurred 48 straight months of job

The Republican candidates last night talked about optimism, hope,
investment, and entrepreneurship. The Democrats, led by Hillary, emphasize
failure and negativity. And to top it all off, they play the class warfare
card by attacking every successful U.S. industry and any American who has
achieved economic success.

2008 will be a tough year. But I remain convinced that if we keep the
coalition together of social issue conservatives, economic conservatives
and foreign policy conservatives, we can win!

Iran’s Hitler Speaks; Is The West Listening?

It may surprise you to know that “Jerusalem Day” is celebrated in Iran.
It’s a big day with lots of speeches and parades, but it’s not what you
think. The Islamic radicals created the day in 1979 as a way of showing
Muslim solidarity with the Palestinian “resistance” and to express the
Muslim hope that Jerusalem would one day be “liberated” from the Jews.

Iran’s “president,” Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, used last week’s “Jerusalem Day”
event to once again lash out against Israel and America. At a rally in
Tehran last week, Ahmadinejad whipped the crowd into a frenzy with an anti-
Semitic tirade reminiscent of a Nazi rally at Nuremberg. To give you a
glimpse of the scene, just consider this report from Reuters:

“Tens of thousands marched in a rally to mark the day, including soldiers,
students and clerics. Black-clad women with small children clutching
balloons emblazoned ‘Death to Israel’ were among those flocking the streets
of central Tehran. ‘Death to America, Death to Israel,’ chanted the
marchers, many carrying portraits of Khomeini and his successor Supreme
Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.”

Here are some excerpts of Ahmadinejad’s rant:

“The Palestinian people are standing firm. The Iranian people and other
peoples will not stop until all of Palestinian territory is liberated.
They [world powers] should not think that the Iranian nation and other
nations in the region will take off their hands off the throat of the
Zionists and their supporters. …

“But the Iranian nation has a question and as long as there is no clear and
reasonable response to this question, it will remain. They have made the
Holocaust sacred and do not allow anyone to ask questions. Under the
pretext of the Holocaust they are allowed to commit whatever crime they
like. Europeans cannot tolerate the Zionists in their region and country,
but they want to impose them on the people of the region... Give these vast
lands of Canada and Alaska to them to create a country for themselves.”

Ahmadinejad also added, “The creation, continued existence and unlimited
(Western) support for this regime is an insult to human dignity. The
occupation of Palestine is not limited to one land. The Zionist issue is
now a global issue.”

Our next president will very likely have to confront this madman and his
pursuit of nuclear weapons. Barack Obama thinks he can reason with him and
has pledged to meet with Mahmoud in the first year of his presidency.
Regardless, any Democrat would be hamstrung by the radical leftwing fringe
and groups like What about the Republicans? That topic was
also brought up in last night’s debate.

Now, I know there are a number of you intrigued by Ron Paul. Please
rethink your position! Here’s what he said yesterday about dealing with

CHRIS MATTHEWS: “Okay. Same question -- deadline, gentlemen, it’s so
important. Congressman Paul, do you believe the president needs
authorization of Congress to attack strategic targets in Iran, nuclear

REP. PAUL: “Absolutely. … You’re not allowed to go to war without a
declaration of war. Now, as far as fleeting enemies go, yes, if there’s an
imminent attack on us, we’d never had that happen in 220 years. The
thought that the Iranians could pose an imminent attack on the United
States is preposterous. There’s no way.”

Has the man heard of Pearl Harbor? If he’s not a fan of “ancient history,”
where was he just six years ago, on the morning of 9/11?

We’re living in an age where terrorists have turned airplanes into weapons
of mass destruction. Madmen, hiding anywhere in the world -- say in
Pyongyang, Damascus, or Tehran for example -- with the right technology can
obliterate an American city in a matter of minutes. Paul seems completely
oblivious to this reality.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Whatever attributes some
perceive, Ron Paul is clueless about the threat facing this country.
Isolationism and appeasement didn’t keep us out of World War I, allowed
Hitler to conquer most of Europe and North Africa and gave him a free hand
to murder six million Jews, and won’t prevent Islamofascists from attacking
us in the future. They have declared war on Israel, on America and Western
Civilization. We need a president who understand that fact and who is
committed to our victory in the war against Islamofascism.

Please feel free to pass on this "End of Day" update to interested friends
and family members.

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2800 Shirlington Road
Suite 930
Arlington, VA 22206
Fax: 703-671-8899

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