Life, theology, tears, joys.

October 16, 2007

Ann Coulter, Thoughts About

Well, I've been hearing (and you may have been too) about Ann Coulters new book, If Democrats Had Any Brains They'd Be Republicans. This provocative title actually tops the title of her last book, How To Talk To A Liberal (If You Must): The World According To Ann Coulter (something I didn't think quite possible).

Is Ann going over the top? Well, I think that what she is saying is true, but she could be a little more genteal about it, I suppose. Is she trying to get attention just for attentions sake? How can one really tell? An since we can't really know, don't we just have to take her for what she produces (books, tv and radio presentations etc.)? If that's so, we've just come back to the first question, has she gone over the top?

I've been struggling with this some lately. Where is the line between "being nice" and "being a RINO" (RINO: Republican In Name Only). Also, (and this is more pertinent to Ann Coulter's writings) where is the line between "being mean" and "telling it like it is"? This is a quandary that my mind has been tangling with for quite some time, and I can't seem to figure it out.

For the record, I have not read Ann Coulter's books, but I am quite familiar through the radio and TV.

On that note, has anyone read any of them, and could anyone recommend one that is especially good?

You'll have to excuse me now; I need to get back to my regularly scheduled "Discussions of certain political and philosophical quandary's with TJO".


Gregory said...

I have some of the very same concerns. I personally dislike Ann Coulter's abrasive style as well as many other conservatives who insult, demean, and attack the liberal movement.

While I agree with many of their points, it is the way they present those lacks...class. It lacks elegance and politeness.

One of the things I really liked about Ronald Reagan was that he would "call it like it is" but do so as a gentleman. If you listen to his speeches (A Time for Choosing, 1984 RNC Speech, Farewell Address, Evil Empire speech, etc.) he calls evil 'evil' and good 'good.' But there is a heart of reconciliation that I don't see in many of today's conservative publications.

Sometimes it seems like many of the conservatives today are trying too hard to be the loudest and most obnoxious. They claim (at least in my experience) that those who don't accept their abrasive style aren't willing to stand up for their beliefs. They confuse meekness with weakness. By trying to sensationalize everything, they lower their own credibility and (frankly) embarass people like me who may agree with some of their arguments. :-\

No one is perfect, but belittling our opponents is not the way to win support...
Anyway, enough with this rant ;-) That is my two cents. said...

Well, Gregory, as much as I can understand (and agree with) most of your ideas on this, I can't say that I can totaly condemn Ann for her 'lack of class'. She is telling the truth in a truthful manner, and we need to remember that much.

Still, your comparison between Coulter and Reagan is a very strong argument that deserves attention. HM, will have to keep considering this a while longer.

have you read any of Coulter's books?