Life, theology, tears, joys.

December 14, 2007

Federal Fridays - Congressional Christmas Capers

While here in Illinois site seeing, visiting friends and hearing more "happy holidays" than I can count, congress has been discussing the great Christmas debate. Gary Bauer discussed the topic a good deal, mentioning in on the 12th and the 13th.

funny that this needs to be discussed at all, and I find it hitting me just a little bit the wrong way that the congress is "doing" (voting on etc.) something about this topic. anyhow, enjoy, grimace, and laugh for lack of anything else to do:

To: Friends and Supporters

From: Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Congress Says “Merry Christmas”

Yesterday, the House of Representatives voted 372-to-9 in support of a resolution recognizing the importance of Christmas and the Christian faith in the founding of the United States and formation of Western Civilization. The resolution was sponsored by Rep. Steve King of Iowa, a great conservative champion. (This political action committee played a key role in helping Steve King win his primary election in 2002. Just one more way we are helping to defend your values!)

Earlier this year, the House passed measures honoring Ramadan and Diwali, a Hindu holiday. But Rep. King noted, “Watching Congress honor Islam during Ramadan, and also Diwali … brought it home to me that we were doing that and not honoring Christianity. …This nation has about 225 million Christians out of 300 million… And the foundations of this nation are a Christian foundation [and] our founders were Christian. So for us to move forward towards Christmas without honoring Christ is, I think a great omission, especially if we’re going to honor other religions.”

By the way, all nine “No” votes were Democrats, and eight of the nine voted in support of the Ramadan resolution.

Thursday, December 13, 2007
Our staff regularly monitors the websites of the radical Left – just to know what the opposition is up to. This morning we were stunned to find a post on the site of a homosexual blogger (who has been on a crusade to “out” Republican members of Congress) that reads, “It’s official!!!! Democrats are a bunch of [expletive] wimps.”

His ever-so-tolerant post provided a link to a roll call vote taken in the House of Representatives this week. What could lead a homosexual activist to level such invective at the Democrats? Needless to say, we were very curious. Had the party of Hillary, Pelosi and Kennedy suddenly reversed course and passed the marriage protection amendment or banned homosexual adoptions? What earth-shattering news had we missed? Are you ready for this?

As I reported yesterday, the House overwhelmingly voted in support of a resolution recognizing the importance of Christmas and the Christian faith in the founding of the United States and formation of Western Civilization. Amazingly, the rage of this militant homosexual activist was focused on the fact that only nine Democrats voted against the resolution recognizing Christmas and Christianity.

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