Life, theology, tears, joys.

December 1, 2007

past present and future news (for December)

Well, seeing that the last thing I posted was about the campaign, I will tell you a bit more about it.

I had a blast. It was local politics, which meant that people willing to work it were few and far between. Because of this, I was able to get hands on experience at things I'd have never been able to do working with a larger campaign or Gen-J. I did lit (liturature - the stuf that we hand out and clutter up your doorstep with) anyways, lit sorting (counting out stacks of fifty, puting a certain number of those stacks in boxes with corolating walk lists), envelope stuffing (ok, so I did that when I was four, but that doesn't count), data entry from the completed walk lists, and of course, walking... and walking... and then ringing a doorbell that probably won't be answered anyway... and walking.... and walking... and losing C.A. and Funkysocks at the same time.... and finding them... and then I went out just me and another in a car to do blanket drops, that was very fun... blanket drops are just always more fun, what can I say? (especially when you get to continually hang at least 40% of your body-wieght out the window in order to reach the thing you're hanging the "newspaper" on, while blasting music and getting into such HIK areas that you're not sure you won't get shot at if you don't turn tail awfully quick!)

Our campaign manager was GREAT. He's really interested in his work, has some quite creative ideas that I really like, and a good sense of humor. I should say a great sense of humor... anyone who can stand constantly hanging out with a bunch of older teens and college kids who consistently blame anything that goes wrong on him, well, he's got to have quite the sense of humor. (you, manager, DID and I mean DID bring lunch an hour late for all of us after the parade, and and hour and a half late on election day, when you had given me probably the worst poll in the area, I mean really, who wants to sit in _____ all day?????)

unfourtunately, Mr. A. lost. It was sort of depressing, but that's how things go I guess.

after the election ended, I started making up for lost school-work. I got my essay's done for the First Freedom contest (it's quite good, I'm happy with it, but don't think it will win anything) and for the HSLDA contest as well (that one I have better hopes for).

now, the Christmas decorations are up, christmas music is playing, I am, though not sole owner of, keeper of dad's ipod 'cause now his phone stores a lot of music, so he won't be taking it with him when he travels :-).

We are taking a trip to Illinois this month!! I'm very excited. we'll be seeing a lot of people, and seeing some of the sites as well.

well, that's about it, oh, except that I'm still working on my driver's ed. it's sickening that I'm still working on it, but the trip will help me finish of the hours I need, and hopefully I'll nearly finish the class room "time" this week, or at least, I hope, b4 Christmas.


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