Life, theology, tears, joys.

March 10, 2007

Chocolate Cake and the FBI

The events of today have been quite a mix of things, as introduced by the title. We have the last half of an AMAZING chocolate cake that we have been carving on. It's a triple chocolate fudge cake mix with frosting made of powdered sugar, butter, milk, and Hershey's dark cocoa! Wow!

The other part was spent fraternizing with the FBI. Not for real, you understand. I've been writing and in the story the main character was. As in my mind I am the main characters in my stories, I was with the FBI, and enjoyed it all the way. The story is about a girl in her mid twenties that is accused of being involved in an assassination, and an agents attempt at proving and/or disproving it. I've got 27 pages right now, and more are coming as soon as I finish this post.

That's about it for now, except that we've got a showing tomorrow for that family from NJ (they never showed up on thursday), so pray that that goes well.

Don't forget to turn your clocks forward 1 hour!

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