Life, theology, tears, joys.

November 25, 2008

Pray! (Year of the Bible Project)

Over the last year, I have been involved to different degrees in The National Year of the Bible Project. Earlier in the year, before we moved, Dad and I lobbied on Capitol Hill (a lot of fun, and seemingly productive). Now, of course, I'm involved via long distance calls and email.

Here's the point, though. The project is doing it's best to put together a calling blitz into the Congressional Offices, to begin in the next week or so. I think it will work very well, and that we have a good chance of putting a lot of influence into the hopper.

Unfortunately, the National Coordinator of the Year of the Bible Project, who is in D.C. right now, and is arranging this whole blitz, is having significant computer troubles. Actually, it has crashed (by my count) about 7-8 times over yesterday and this morning.

So here's the deal: we need prayer, and we need it now! There's a lot of great things going for us right now, but not a whole lot can be done with the computers up and running. A lot of contacts have to be made over the next day-and-a-half, and many of them require a least some amount of computer work... so please pray for the contacts themselves, and also pray that the problems with the computer can be figured out, asap.

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