Life, theology, tears, joys.

February 26, 2007

The First Post

Well, it took me long enough to figure this thing out, but I think I have it now. And so you all know, I have been requested (OK, required) by my mom and dad to not use my name or anyone else's name. so, if you leave a comment that has my or my fam's name in it, I am afraid I will have to moderate it out.

I have started this blog for the main purpose of having a place for people to come and see what I've been doing and how things are going.

To this end, here are some things that are going on (I sent this out in an e-mail to a bunch of people, but just for the record as they say):

Moving (Please don't cry, it'll work out by and by)
Just to review, we are doing our best to move to Colorado. Our house has been on the market since November '06 and we will be out of here six weeks after the house sells, whenever that is. We are now on our third realtor, and this one we really like. We have had quite a few people come and see it, and know that we are on the top of a number of people's lists.
Please pray that it will sell REALLY fast. We are REALLY tiered of living in an on-the-market house, and just want to get the process over with.

General life (May be more fun, but don't only read this one)
I Have been writing, cooking, writing, keeping up with flute, writing, reading, and then I go and write some more. Been writing poems, stories, and articles.
I've been doing a lot of the family's cooking, which I have enjoyed more than I thought I would. At the same time I have been teaching Birdie (Sis) the basics of cooking (chopping, browning meat, measuring, the correct order to add ingredients in different kinds of recipes, etc.), and trying ever so hard to get Buddy (Bro) to join in, with little success.
I'm also "teaching" Birdie about writing. This is a hilarious process as I thoroughly dislike grammar. Note: I have the ability to USE grammar, but could you remind me what a pronoun is? The funny thing is, she learns much the same way I do, and so we understand each other perfectly (her grammar has improved by the way).
Just in case you think Buddy fell off the face of the earth, he has been shoveling to his heart's content (he can't stand the fact that it is impossible to snow-blow ice, so he's stuck with shoveling). Also, he's been sledding, doing school with Mom, and trying to convince himself that he will like the things that I've been making for dinner. Lego's, taking apart VCR's, creating things out of random parts of the VCR's as well as other very boyish activities are also daily happenings.


Gregory said...

Birdie and Buddy :-) I like those names.

We are praying for your family's health and your move! I know that God has His perfect plans for your family and we pray that you will be encouraged and renewed.

Hope you guys are having fun in the snow!

God Bless.

Anonymous said...

KJ, I love this! Thanks for including me. I LOVE hearing about your writing...thinking just maybe I had a bit of influence on you. :) Those were fun times. I'm still praying for all of you.

Anonymous said...

Yay for having a blog! :)

I look forward to reading more and more and more! :)

readersis said...

Hey TJO! I'm pretty sure you know who I am. I like the blog! And, as far as grammar goes, everything I learned was from "Grammar Rock" (a Schoolhouse Rock video). Can't beat it. :-) said...

Nice to see everyone!

Thanks for the prayers Gregory. And we did have a lot of fun with the snow.... while it lasted!

HI MRS. M!! Yes, you probably are the reason I'm able to write as well as I do. thanks!

RS, glad you like it and nice to see you around!