Life, theology, tears, joys.

December 12, 2008

Christmas and Music and Parties...

Well, here's a little more personal update for once!

Christmas preparations are in full swing. Birdie, Buddy and I have gotten our Christmas Eve Program pretty well figured out, although we still have a good deal of work to do. Dad's been out of town a good deal lately, although this is the last of it until next month. That has put us rather behind in other Christmas things, but we'll catch up.

I am venturing out into the homeschool teen social world here for the first time tomorrow. There's a Christmas party of some sort, that evidently includes a White Elephant exchange, being held for the teens in the homeschool support group out here. I guess I'm getting more outgoing, because I didn't take forever deciding if I wanted to be around a million people that I don't know... I'm actually really looking forward to it!

Also, looming in the shadows is graduation... I'd never really thought of actually being IN a graduation. GradUATING is different that a graduATION in my mind. But, Mom was like, "of course you're going to be in a graduation, didn't you assume that?" It took me a few days to realize how much a ceremony kind of mile-marks it, and I'm glad I'm in it now. However, the best part is that I have the opportunity to perform in it, and I've chosen to SING!! I haven't sung in so long. I can't wait! In the process of choosing a song to sing, I stumbled upon this one, and I really like it (Don't know if I'll sing it for graduation, but it's really worth listening to a few times):

Merry Christmas!!

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