Life, theology, tears, joys.

September 1, 2009

A Great, Simple Idea for Action

[I recieved this as it was passed around through a loop of Tea Party goers and other activists in my area - great idea!]

This great idea is being passed around the Tea Parties... In her own words:

"This is not a forward. I came up with this myself.. If you agree, please do it with me. I've written over 400 postcards, letters and emails already. You only need to do six. Thanks, Katy."

I believe that the majority of Americans are good, hard-working people. For too long we've been silent because we were going about our business raising our families and making the country work. Now everything that we've worked for all our lives as well as our inalienable rights guaranteed by God and inscribed in the Constitution are being stolen from us by the current Administration and Congress. It's time to DO something!

We are NOT an angry mob! We are NOT un-American! We just want the government to follow the U.S. Constitution. In our own way way we are doing what the Patriots in 1776 did, fighting to stop a tyrannical Government. I do NOT want anyone to be violent or ugly or disrespectful. What I AM asking is that you do a very simple, easy act that will have a great impact.Each of you buy six postcards and six postcard stamps (which are 28 cents). Send one to your U.S. Representative and to your two U.S. Senators. If you don't know their addresses (ours are printed in the daily paper) you can find them at: for your Congressman and for Senators

Even if your Representative and Senators do not support Obama's plans for our future, (ours don't, thankfully) they need to know that we are behind them to give them courage to stand up to the loud hateful voices that the Axis of Tyranny getting ready to unleash.

Also write the Axis of Tyranny Obama, Pelosi, and Reid. That uses up the six postcards. Their addresses are below:

President Barack Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC 20500

Speaker Nancy Pelosi
235 Cannon House Office Building
Washington DC 20515
enator Harry Reid
522 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510

Keep it short and simple (a requirement on a post card) but don't delay! They will soon be back in session after Labor Day, so mail it between August 31 and September 4 so you can FLOOD THEIR OFFICES with a Tsunami of mail! Snail mail makes a huge impact on elected officials, but letters take too long since the anthrax scare in 2001. They go through a quarantine of several weeks. Postcards are faster and cheaper to mail, too!

God Bless America
Katy Jones
Kerrville, Texas

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