Life, theology, tears, joys.

February 28, 2007

What would we do without music?

Yesterday Buddy, Dad and I drove to a place in MD to visit a guys shop where he repairs instruments. It's an awful messy place - instruments, pieces of instruments and cases literally covering the floor. (You think I'm kidding? think again!) The whole place kind of looks like a back room. He has what he needs to work on and what he has worked on for customers all over. Mixed in is the different things that he is selling, both needing and having had work done on them. He says that up stairs is more instruments! None the less, he does really good work.

So anyhow, we went up there because my flute needed some work (The pads mostly) and because (drum roll please) he wanted to get Buddy a trumpet!!!! When Dad suggested the idea to him, his eyes just lit up! We have always said that trumpet would be a good instrument for him, and he is so excited! He woke up this morning asking how long until we could go and get it. (The guy needed to do a little work on it before he gave it to us as it was used.)

I, on the other hand, am trying to live without my flute for a week. I have successfully done it before when it needed work, and when we were out of town, but when you're out of town it just isn't the same - you're doing something else with your time! Mom is missing it too.

And so comes the answer to the title: what would we do without music? Well, we read more, we go and blog about our missing it, we write more, and we ultimately end up listening to "the great ones" play some over the radio.

While thinking of all this, I am realizing that I may go for quite a few months without a teacher once we finally move to CO. :-(


readersis said...

Heh, "Buddy" sounds a lot like my little brother... especially the part in your first post about taking apart VCRs and playing with the parts. :-)

I'm sure you'll survive the week without your flute. Like you said, CD players were invented for such a time as this.

Anonymous said...

Can't you just teach yourself? said...

Hey RS!

Actually (thank heavens) I just got it back today, so it wasn't as long as I thought it would be.

Mafia, I can teach myself some, but I really need a teacher now. For the first two years I played I had no teacher (taught myself) but since I've been playing five and 1/2 years now, I realy do need one.