Life, theology, tears, joys.

September 11, 2008

Federal [almost] Friday: Mr. Obama?

First, may I say that I fully support the McCain-Palin ticket, and particularly McCain's pick of Palin. We went to one of their rallies, heard them speak, and particularly heard the huge enthusiasm of the crowd - if anyone is worried about the Republican energy level, fear no longer, we are as energized as we come!

There are two reasons I am writing. Both are widely available on the Internet.

1) The "sound-bite of the day".
The now-infamous blip: "Jesus Christ was a community organizer, and Pontius Pilot was a governor", started on blogs, was repeated by numerous Obama-people, sniped at Governor Palin and is simply offensive to Christians.

This has a number of overtones:
I. That Obama (a former community organizer) is comparable to Jesus Christ, the Perfect Lamb of God. This is obviously offensive to those who believe that Jesus Christ died for the world, rose on the third day, and is equal with God.
II. That Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin has committed some sort of action comparable to condemning Jesus to death. This is an absolute snipe at her - without even a clear accusation.
III. That a community organizer counts as part of the list of needed qualifications to be President of the United States of America. Senator Obama has a very thin list of accomplishments, and his job qualifications list is also sparse - usually called a thin resume. This is again a snipe at the competition without really providing the reasons why he thinks he is qualified.

As a note here, I would like to add this. Many people are very upset with comments made by Sarah Palin and numerous republicans about community organizers. I would like to say that they are missing the point. From my perspective, these comments are not pointed towards community organizers, but are aimed at Obama and his claim of qualification for the Presidency. They are not intended to slam community organizers.

Mr. Obama? How long will you allow yourself to be compared with Christ, and how long will you allow your supporters to snipe at your very worthy opponent, Sarah Palin, without so much as leveling a clear accusation?

2) Iraq War Veteran's own "Mr. Obama?"
This video is incomparable. It is the best articulation against Obama I think I have heard, especially on the issue of the War on Terror in Iraq:

Please, send out this link and spread this video as much as you can, it is too powerful to leave alone:

Well, Mr. Obama? What will you do? Will you dare to renounce your follower's comparison of you and Jesus Christ? I hope so. Will you dare to renounce their sniping at Sarah Palin? I doubt it, if you did they wouldn't have anything else to throw. Will you dare to listen to this man who has been defending YOUR country for YOU against those who, whether you believe it or not, want to destroy YOU? In short: Will you dare to change?

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