Life, theology, tears, joys.

January 29, 2009

Federal Friday: Republican's Going the Right Direction!

Below is commentary from Gary Bauer's End of Day Report, but first, I first want to state some things very clearly concerning what has happened regarding the "Stimulus" Bill:

1) Nancy Pelosi and President Obama shut out the Republican's from having any say in the "stimulus" bill... I.E., not one Republican wrote one word of it!
2) The Republican's stood strong against the "stimulus" bill, and not one Republican voted for it!
Translation: Not ONE Republican can be tied to this bill... if (or, rather, when) it fails, not one Republican will be able to become the Democratic scape goat!

This is excellent news... yes, even though the thing passed, it is a huge step in the "Right" direction for the Republicans! (Please pardon the pun)

From Gary Bauer's End of Day Report:

GOP Stands Firm!
Congratulations to House Republicans! Few thought they could do it, but they held together, stood firm and voted unanimously against the pork-filled monstrosity. The bill is over 600 pages long, and by one estimate it will cost us approximately $1.8 billion per page.

Of course, the liberal media wait until the day after it passes the House before they tell the American people what is in the bill. Remember all those “shovel ready” infrastructure programs President Obama promised? Well, the Boston Globe reports this headline today, “Only 5 percent of $819b plan would go toward infrastructure.”

The New York Times tells us, “Components of Stimulus Vary in Speed and Efficiency.” Speed and efficiency should be the most important considerations in any serious stimulus bill, but this was not a serious stimulus bill. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that most of the money will not be spent until 2010 or years later. In addition, the Associated Press reports today that the bill may even allow illegal aliens to qualify for additional benefits.

Here’s the truth: This is not an economic stimulus bill at all. It is a Democrat Party stimulus bill – payoffs to leftwing special interest groups with your tax money! The public may slowly be waking up. A new Rasmussen poll finds that only 42% of likely voters support this “stimulus” plan.

But even with the GOP voting unanimously against the bill, and even with 11 brave Democrats also voting against it, this budget buster passed by a wide margin of 244-to-188. It passed because the Democrats defeated dozens and dozens of conservatives in the past two elections by outspending us and outworking us.

This vote should be a wake-up call to conservatives who have walked away from the GOP, who backed third party candidates with no hope of winning or who just didn’t bother to vote at all. Elections have consequences. And when conservatives don’t participate, the Left will always win.
Here’s my point: The next two years will be rough and there will be many setbacks. But Republicans are fighting back! And rather than focusing our frustration on our friends in the minority party, let’s remember who is setting the agenda and who control Congress – Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Now, let’s get to work rebuilding our conservative movement so we can take back Capitol Hill in 2010! There are reasons to be encouraged about the future, and I will report them in the days ahead.

Media Distortions

Big liberal media are very good at taking a falsehood and repeating it over and over again until it is accepted as fact. Let me tell you what you’re going to hear in the next few days, because it’s already started. The Republicans are going to get slammed day after day for opposing the president and for “irresponsible partisanship,” as Nancy Pelosi’s press release put it today. After all, President Obama went to Capitol Hill and spent two hours with Republicans trying to win their support. How dare they vote against his top priority!

But bi-partisan means that both sides give up something and both sides get something. This bill was written by Democrats and the Obama White House. None of the GOP’s ideas were incorporated in the bill. It was Obama and Pelosi who killed bi-partisanship – not the GOP.

Here’s something else you need to know. In the next few days, the Left will flood GOP offices with angry messages, saying they will never get reelected. If your representative is a Republican, please call and thank him or her. The number is 202-224-3121. Simply ask the operator to connect you to your congressman’s office.

I went to Capitol Hill today to thank as many House Republicans as I could. Then I went to the Senate, where the fight is about to begin, and I encouraged Senate conservatives to close ranks behind our key principles of lower taxes, less spending and support for traditional values.

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